The cheapest worker of all time

Is there really a cheapest worker of all time? Who are they? The answer is that business owners are investing and investing their money to multiply. They need to hire people to work for them, pay bills every month for office and operating expenses, but don’t get paid until the business is up and running and stable. People think that […]

Western Cape Beaches – South Africa

The Mother City has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world and something to offer everyone. It’s no surprise that South Africa was one of the first countries outside of Europe to gain Blue Flag status for some of its beaches – there are three on offer in and around Cape Town. The mixture of 2 oceans (the […]

Christmas toys that every child wants

There have never been so many toys, new and old, available for Christmas gifts as there are now. Cutting through the clutter and finding the toys kids really want seems like mission impossible to many people. Knowing what types of toys are popular with kids doesn’t have to be too difficult. Below is a list of some of the best […]

Identification of competencies

Leadership competency is the qualities and skills you may possess that make you an effective leader. When leadership is applied correctly, it enables followers to trust leaders and seek guidance and help in many situations. Your leadership competency or level to demonstrate these qualities will also increase the commitment and trust your team now has in you. Your leadership potential […]

The Choices Are Complex – Learn Some Ways To Choose The Best Wood-Look Porcelain Tiles

They have been making headlines and have become a favorite of many homeowners and interior decorators. Inkjet printing on porcelain tile is so realistic that the surface is mistaken for wood, stone, concrete or fabric. And all of that comes with the many advantages of porcelain being very strong and resistant to moisture. Install it in the most humid areas. […]

History of Turkish erotic films – The protagonists – Alev Altin, The Turkish Traci Lords

Altin’s early professional life is reminiscent of American porn star Traci Lords (b. May 7, 1968), who made her first X-rated film in the under-age 16 years. But unlike Lords (whose mature good looks still turn heads in softcore action cops), Altin died young. Without a shred of formal film school training, Altin got her first (known) movie break in […]