Tours Travel

Abundance: 3 steps to being in the flow

In tough times, it’s easy to believe the stories you hear on the news and from the people around you. Believing in sadness and doom can make you cringe in fear. You feel like you are losing control. Control is just an illusion, the ego’s attempt to hold onto the past instead of being in the moment. When you stop trying to be in control, you allow yourself to discover the flow. The world is always changing. You can fight it or give up and change with the times. Giving up does not mean giving up. It means relaxing in each moment, trusting the journey, and allowing the universe to support you. Here are 3 keys to help you stay in the flow and find peace no matter what challenges come your way.

The first step is to stop trying to control what is happening and learn to ride the waves. Take time each day to divert your attention from what is happening in the world around you and focus on yourself. Inside you is a spacious and quiet place. Rest in this place as often as you can. To find it, close your eyes, breathe out with a deep sigh, let go of everything, and relax into nothingness. Observe the spaces between the thoughts and allow the breadth to expand.

Second, feel the body and see if you can notice the vibration of your body. It is a subtle energy that flows through you. Once you figure it out, watch how far it extends beyond your body. See if you can expand your energy a little further from your body. This energy has consciousness. Your body-mind is a magnet that has the ability to attract everything that focuses its attention. If you generate negative thoughts you will attract negative energy. If you generate positive thoughts, you will attract positive energy.

Third, abundance is about allowing. Relax, open up and go with the flow, release negative beliefs that block abundance. Express clearly, in words, thoughts and deeds, what you want to attract into your life. Offer gratitude for all that you receive and give generously to others. Be aware of when your thoughts, words, or actions are out of alignment with your desires and quickly get back in flow. When obstacles arise, consider them a gift. They are there to change your course or to wake you up. Welcome to change as an ally. As you learn to relax in the abundance around you, life will focus less on doing and more on being. Enjoy the trip.

Abundance is a state of mind. You could be the richest person in the world and live in fear. Allowing your inner peace to be independent of the outside world makes it possible to be in the flow of abundance no matter what is happening in the world around you. Master these 3 keys and you will live a peaceful and abundant life.

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