Free yourself: let go of the “things”

WWhen we hold on to something in life, there is pain. Life is about flow. Everything in our universe reminds us of that. Sunrise sunset. Tide in, low tide. Seasonal and climatic changes, including moving clouds. Relationships that begin and end. Sometimes we get so caught up in our selfish minds that we forget that life is all about flow […]

How to Prevent Strikes: Tips from a Former Major League Baseball Hitter

Nothing is more frustrating for young baseball players and their parents than strikeouts, especially if it is a recurring event. Strikes can lead to very depressed players and annoy coaches and parents. Obviously, continual strikeouts cause athletes to lose confidence, self-esteem, and generally their desire to play the game fully. To do? First, explain to baseball players that hitting a […]

Classic wrestling matches in history

Classic wrestling soared to greater heights with a World Wrestling Federation or WWF event that took place on November 7, 1985 in Rosemont, Illinois. The first pay-per-view event of its kind was comprised of sixteen participants, including wrestling greats Ric Flair, Iceman, Junkyard Dog, Hulk Hogan and more. It ended with a memorable Junkyard Dog victory over Macho Man Savage. […]

Noun types – Noun types

Nouns are the words we use to name things. There are five types of nouns: common, proper, concrete, abstract, and collective. Common names A common noun is an everyday item. It is the name given to a generic element: chair, fish, concrete, cloud, tree, nail, screwdriver, pencil, coffee, arm, hair, kangaroo, table, wall or finger. It is everything and anything. […]

Get off the damn network in 5 minutes!

How Will Smith fell and kicked the grate! Who says we can’t change the world in 5 minutes? Imagine human beings knowing the true extent of their power: the power to instantly create: non-violence, perpetual kindness and love, sustainable health, free education, food and shelter, and a quality lifestyle for all human beings. Imagine, is it possible? Stop wasting time […]

Film nominations and awards for Bruce Almighty

Bruce Nolan (Carrey) always wanted more in life. Working as a field news reporter, Bruce was only paying his dues until he was promoted to news anchor. On his way is Evan Baxter (Steve Carell), who ends up being promoted before Bruce. This enrages Bruce and curses God (Morgan Freeman) for his dissatisfaction with his job and life. Having heard […]