Love without stress? Yes!

February is the month of Valentine’s Day, a time when popular culture forces you, in any way, to focus more on your relationship, which may not develop as well as it used to. In fact, it can even be an annoying source of tension for both of you. Here are several strategies, drawn from my new book “400 Ways to […]

Ocean activities in Cape Town

Cape Town is in a unique position surrounded by oceans. The 1000 m high peninsula divides the Atlantic Ocean side with the Indian Ocean side and the sprawling False Bay is 30 kilometers wide at its widest point. Cape Point offers a spectacular view and although it is not the true place where the two oceans meet, it is one […]

The potato clock: the origin and history

A simple internet search on who invented the potato clock will find answers like William A. Borst, who discovered in 1983. The story behind the invention of the potato clock rotates on many websites where Borst was about to help his stepdaughter. in a science project. During his help creating something novel, he recalled his experience of using potatoes to […]

The origin and history of face painting

Face painting has come a long way since human history began. Obviously, it is difficult to pin down the origin and exactly when face and body painting began, although some claimed that Native Americans were the ones who started this art. Wikipedia, however, offers some ideas. Since ancient times, it has been used for traditional ceremonies, warfare, hunting, religious reasons, […]

The history of the present push

From personalized baby shower gifts to a more sentimental idea, finding the perfect gift for new moms can be a challenge. The present push is not a new fad, although its recent resurgence has prompted many friends, family, and especially partners of pregnant women to start talking about who they are and where they come from. A push gift, also […]

TV Critics Reviews "Heroes of Higglytown"

As the aunt of a preschooler and aspiring voice actress (I knew all those hours of watching Bugs Bunny would come in handy), I know every kid’s show, as well as every kid’s DVD out there. In my opinion, there is no better way for celebrities to win back their outrageous salaries than to entertain and sometimes educate children. And […]

Why Litigation Is Nothing More Than A Business Tool – 26 Unbreakable Litigation Rules!

From Bill Gates at the end of the last century to John D. Rockefeller at the end of the previous century; from Rick Scott, founder of Columbia Health Care, to AT&T; from Richard Branson and British Airlines to Dan Peña and The Financial Times; from government, banking, insurance and any other facet of world trade: to grow geometrically and sustain […]