cortisol and weight loss

Most of us will admit that it is more difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle when we are stressed. Emotional or physical stress affects our choices. Whether you’re stressed because you want more hours in the day to get things done, rushing to pick up the kids and driving to and from after-school activities, or dealing with an overwhelming situation […]

What is the best cardio for weight loss?

While cardio plays an important role in weight loss, this must be combined with a proper diet if long-term benefits are still to be achieved and maintained. In fact, proper diet is a key factor when trying to lose weight and improve your overall health. However, when combined with the proper cardio exercises for weight loss, as well as weight […]

Yoga Classes and their Benefits

Any time is a good time to create better health for yourself. One of the many ways to do this is to take a Yoga class. Not only is it a physical form of exercise, but it also requires a lot of mental discipline. The effects of Yoga have the potential to carry over into everyday life. Breathing exercises can […]

It’s time to think about what we eat: 10 foods that are definitely forbidden for everyone

Indeed, you are what you eat. The most important step toward a healthy lifestyle is realizing that most of the foods NOT to eat are usually tasty, but killer. While grain products, caffeine, and alcoholic beverages are well-known, great-tasting unhealthy foods, the list doesn’t end there. There are many unhealthy foods that you should avoid, but for now here, we’d […]

Elliptical Trainer Vs Treadmill – Which Is Best?

The elliptical trainer and treadmill are popular cardio equipment. Both stand out for facilitating comprehensive cardiovascular exercises. While also speeding up the fat burning process, not to mention improving the overall aerobic capacity of its users. However, each of these pieces of equipment may have unique benefits compared to the others. For this purpose, below is a elliptical trainer vs. […]

Exercise for a healthy heart

Physical activity is important for building a healthy body supported by a strong heart. Your heart pumps about 115,000 times a day to circulate 2,000 gallons of blood; that’s a lot of work! Support your heart with exercise so your heart can continue to support you. Regular exercise has many health benefits, including preventing or controlling high blood pressure. If […]

How to stay healthy longer

I’m promoting healthy living by encouraging everyone to get up close and personal with the food they eat, have fun exercising, and socialize. A healthy life consists of the steps and strategies that one puts in place to achieve optimal health. My steps include; maintaining a spiritual relationship, eating to live and not living to eat, staying physical by gardening, […]