Things Fall Apart – Snapshot of Chinua Achebe on the colonization of Nigeria

Chinua Achebe is a multi-award winning Nigerian writer and one of the greatest African authors of all time. She is also the most translated, which is saying something, considering that she writes in English specifically in order to overcome language barriers. Her three most widely read novels form a sort of trio exploring the history of Nigeria during British colonization. […]

Whose data?

Unfortunately, many employees believe that by logging into a private email account or using third-party instant messaging software, their communications somehow bypass their employer’s systems and are considered “personal.” Such is simply not the case. If you use any part of your employer’s equipment to produce a communication, that communication may become part of your employer’s business records. This means […]

7 Business Development Marketing Tips for Social Media

You would have listened to so many marketers telling everyone to use social media as part of their promotional marketing mix. The Internet is flooded with information about the use of Facebook, Twitter and other social sites. Numerous articles have been written on how using social media can help promote your brand image and how you can drive web traffic […]

All About Getting Assistance From An Arm Injury Lawyer

We use our arms, shoulders, and hands for most common tasks and jobs. Obviously, any injury to the arms can discourage us from work and activities of daily living. Arm injuries can occur in a variety of circumstances, but if someone else is to blame for her condition, she would like compensation. This is exactly where an arm injury attorney […]

Family lawyers: their roles and responsibilities

The last 50 years have seen a dramatic change in the American family and the way it is built. Divorce has increased among US citizens. More people are choosing to live together rather than sign a marriage license before moving in together. The recent approval of same-sex marriages by voters in many states indicates an acceptance of “blended” families of […]

Prime Numbers and Cyber ​​Security

Would you like to see a clever example of how the world of mathematics can have unexpected ramifications on the world? You may be aware of the role that the special numbers e=2.718… , pi=3.14… , and the golden ratio Phi=1.618… , have in our world. It turns out that prime numbers, numbers that cannot be divided or reduced to […]

So, do you want to be a criminal lawyer?

We have all seen the various incarnations of law and order. Countless other television shows and movies portray the life of a criminal attorney as glamorous, rewarding, and exciting. Of course, you know that just because he’s on TV doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true. This profession can be exhausting and tedious at times. It is often consumed with routine research, […]

Paris Hilton – Arrogance or Branding?

Paris Hilton has recently been featured in every tabloid and every internet website dedicated to who’s who in Hollywood. What got media attention about Paris Hilton was that she had a trial and then she was found guilty of driving under the influence and then driving on a suspended license. Paris Hilton during all her problems with the law showed […]

Self defense for women, Lisbeth Salander style

Last year, I fell in love with Lisbeth Salander, one of the most fascinating, exciting, tough, and empowering literary heroines ever created. And what kills me is that a man conjured her from her, giving her skills, intelligence and strength to defend herself against a misogynistic and violent society that attacks women and her supposed fragility. Lisbeth Salander may be […]