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Mathematics and the simulation hypothesis

If you accept the probability that our Cosmos is designed and tuned (not just for life, but to allow even atoms and molecules and more complex structures like stars and planets to exist), then I suppose your choice is between pure chance (the Mother Hypothesis of Nature and / or Hypothesis of the Multiverse) and a designer. If it is the latter, then your choice is between the supernatural (the God Hypothesis) and the natural (the Simulation Hypothesis). What would Ockham’s razor suggest? What role can mathematics play?

Actually, there is an interesting variation on the simulation hypothesis. It is the hypothesis of the mind or the hypothesis of the dream. You know how absolutely realistic your dreams can be or the images that your mind can conjure up. Of course, those dreams and those images are also a form of virtual reality. Are we the product of someone’s dream world?

Aside from the sheer probability that we are virtual reality beings in a computer simulated landscape, the next best or second best reason to take the simulation hypothesis seriously is mathematics.

The language of our Cosmos is written in mathematics, so our reality is also a mathematical reality. The reality of computer games is also a mathematical reality. Any “what if” research simulation is a mathematical reality. Therefore, our reality could be as a Cosmos, simulated as a computer game or as a “what if” research scenario.

To begin, consider the totality of the laws, principles, and relationships of physics that can be expressed in the language of mathematics and mathematical equations. The same applies in chemistry and also in earth and space sciences (astronomy / cosmology, meteorology, geology / geophysics, and physical oceanography). The natural world and the biological sciences are also steeped in mathematics.

Why do we get fractals in nature like some leaves, snowflakes, clouds, lightning, shores, broccoli, etc.?

Pi occurs quite apart from the relationship between the circumference of a circle and its diameter in all sorts of ways that have nothing to do with circles.

Why do we get significant mathematical ratios ranging from planetary rotations and revolutions to music (octaves, fourths, fifths, etc.)

Why is the Golden Ratio so prevalent and so pleasant (on the human body and especially on the human face) and also appears often in nature from spiral galaxies, cabbage cross-sections to nautilus shells?

Why is symmetry found in nature?

Why are Fibonacci numbers (the Fibonacci sequence is 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, etc.) so overrepresented in the nature of cauliflower , pineapples, pinecones, sunflowers, flower petals (especially daisy petals) to match the arrangement of leaves on a stem?

Why is the cosmological constant set to a part of 10 to the 120 power?

But above all, why is the Cosmos dominated and described by mathematical equations (not created by us) and relationships? For example, mathematics is very useful for making predictions.

Predictions that are a bit out of the ordinary have included the evolutionary stages of our Sun as it nears the end of its life; the existence of the planet Neptune (confirmed); the Higgs Boson (confirmed); antimatter (confirmed); neutrinos (confirmed); Black holes (confirmed); and dark matter (yet to be confirmed).

Predictions on a more routine level include eclipses; conjunctions; lunar and celestial occultations; and whether or not a rogue asteroid will collide with Earth, and if it will collide, when.

Finally, why are the mathematical equations so well designed that in almost all cases the coefficients and exponents are all low-value whole numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) or simple fractions (1/4, 1/3, 1/2). That defies probability. I see no other logical possibility than mathematical equations dealing with the actual laws, principles, and relationships of physics, etc. they have been well thought out and designed to be as simple as possible. The question is, designed by whom?

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