What Are the Symptoms of Toenail Fungus?

Symptoms of Toenail Fungus

There are a number of different symptoms of toenail fungus. The first is nail enlargement, which is usually caused by trauma. This type of fungus is called Candida onychomycosis. The second is Proximal subungual onychomycosis, and it can cause yellow spots on the base of the toenail. The condition can spread to other toes and people and is a potential hazard.

This type of fungus affects the nail plate and the nail bed. It is caused by a fungus called onychomycosis. The fungi grow on the surface of the nail and feed off of the protein in the nail plate. Often, a white spot will form on the nail plate. If left untreated, the infection may spread to other parts of the body.

Onychomycosis is a common condition affecting the nail plate and the nail bed. Fungi are small parasitic plants that do not need sunlight to grow. The fungi that thrive in the nail are called dermatophytes. The fungi attack the keratin in the nail, so they do not require sunlight to grow. As the fungus continues to grow, it can spread to the skin and fingernails.

Crystal flush nail fungus

The symptoms of toenail fungus are similar to symptoms of a cold or the flu. It may be hard to identify the cause of toenail fungi. You may have to visit a doctor or podiatrist to diagnose and treat the condition. Depending on the severity, a treatment may take months or even years to see results. A dermatologist will explain the various options for you and your condition.

What Are the Symptoms of Toenail Fungus?

In addition to a white discoloration on the nail, you may also notice strange spots on the toenail. These can be bruises from a recent trauma or blood blisters. Warts can also be present on the toenail plate. If you notice any of these symptoms, you should see a dermatologist. They will prescribe a suitable treatment.

Fungal toenail infections are generally not painful until they become severe. Some people with toenail fungus also have fungal infections of the foot, referred to as athlete’s foot. Infections of the toenail can be caused by a variety of fungi, which live in the environment. The fungi can enter the nail through small cracks in the nail plate.

Symptoms of toenail fungus are varied. The infection can be localized or spread to several toenails. As it progresses, infected nails may become thick and deformed. Patients with diabetes should consult a foot doctor immediately. Besides the yellowish discoloration, the disease may cause pain, disfigurement, and an unpleasant odor.

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