11 Tips for Writing a Winning Proposal

Proposal Writing – 11 Tips for Writing a Winning Proposal The benefits of winning a major contract can mean more than additional income for your business. For starters, upon receiving notification that your company has been selected for the project, you can begin to market your achievement. Write an article about it. Publish articles in “IT publications” like “federal computer […]

Google Analytics Tutorial: Visitors, Views, Pageviews, Distinctive Pageviews

Do you know how to interpret Google Analytics data, such as visits and page views? Clicks, visits, website visitors, page views and unique page views in many cases are misinterpreted website visitor statistics recorded by Google Analytics. Online businesses read about the variances while perusing any Google Analytics tutorial. This makes it possible to distinguish the related jargon used for […]

The benefits of payback

The recovery of the higher value of assets that a company does not need is called payback. Idle assets are identified and then reused or disposed of as surplus, recovering considerable value in the process. In any organization, assets are always present. Machines or facilities are purchased, but over time they wear out to the point that they can no […]