The importance of warming up and cooling down

One of the most important factors in injury prevention is warming up and cooling down, and it should not be neglected. Warming up refers to a preparatory phase at the beginning of an exercise session. The warm-up generally involves a period of low-impact exercise regimens that prepare the body for the more strenuous aspects of sporting activity. Warming up is […]

Inflammatory Foods: Gas in the Fire

In my previous article titled Inflammation… It’s a vessel. I discussed how inflammation cooks the body like an egg or a piece of meat in a crock pot. This article is a continuation to describe the particular foods that can ignite that fire and speed up the degeneration of tissues and organs in the body. This can lead to increased […]

Mercury Health Hazards

Many of my patients love fish just like I do. It’s a good source of protein, heart-healthy Omega-3 fat, and delicious! Living in an area surrounded by water, fresh fish is abundant. However, I would like to share with you one major pitfall of eating fish too often: mercury (Hg) levels. So far, there have been no reported cases of […]

How Drinking Tea Can Help You Lose Weight Naturally

Most people already know that drinking tea can help you lose weight. Still, most tea drinkers eventually find that this method has not been as effective as most researchers found in their studies. When it comes to losing weight, nothing beats drinking Chinese tea. Here are some reasons: You can achieve weight loss by replacing other drinks with tea, without […]

Health and Sugar – Extra Frosting on the Cake

America has a sugar problem, and it’s getting bigger every day. Did you know that an estimated one in four people has diabetes or is in a pre-diabetic condition? In 1801, historians estimated that sugar consumption per person was about 8.4 pounds of sugar per year, which translates to about 2.2 teaspoons per day. Current consumption has ballooned to around […]