Tuesday Training Update: Schedule Change

I usually try to give a triathlon training update on Tuesdays, but it’s Wednesday. I will go ahead and complete this update to stay consistent. I couldn’t post last week either, so this is a two week training build. The last two weeks have been a time change that can often occur in the life of an amateur triathlete when […]

Exercises to Lose Body Fat

Body fat tends to accumulate around the midsection, especially on me. Getting rid of it is much harder than gaining it, as most people know. There is no quick fix, magic pill or magic potion that will allow you to lose weight. The only thing that really works, apart from liposuction surgery, is exercises to lose body fat. Basically, hard […]

B Vitamins: What They Are and Why Weight Loss Surgery Patients Need Supplements

Weight loss surgery patients are advised to supplement their diet with a vitamin B supplement, often taken as sublingual tablets or through monthly injections. Some surgical weight-loss procedures inhibit the absorption of B vitamins, which can lead to deficiency. In addition, the low-calorie, high-protein diet after bariatric surgery does not provide adequate dietary intake of B vitamins. Patients should follow […]

The best training programs to lose weight

Consumers continue to spend billions each year on weight loss products, yet obesity rates continue to rise. With so many program options available on the market, it is advisable to choose a program that promotes behavior change. An effective program should recommend healthy eating habits, help you change your lifestyle habits, and improve your physical activity. Many people assume that […]

Truths about muscle gain that nobody tells you

With the plethora of muscle building information online and in offline magazines, you’d think there would be enough advice for anyone to experience muscle gain problems. However, that is not the case. People experiencing mediocre progress are ubiquitous, in gyms and online chat rooms, banging their heads against the wall in frustration at muscle gains so miniscule they’re hardly worth […]

Discover the amazing effects of red clover on depression

depression in menopause If you’re over 40 and experiencing hormone-related symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and irregular periods, you’ve most likely begun the transition: menopause. Perimenopause refers to the years leading up to menopause. Most women experience menopausal symptoms a few years before the end of their period. There are physical and emotional effects of menopause. Common physical complaints […]

Cookies that brighten your day without ruining your diet

Veganomicon, simply the best cookbook to transform from eating meat to a 100% plant-based diet, has inspired my kitchen for over 3 years. Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero’s previous books “Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World” and “Vegan With A Vengeance” have also amassed a devoted following, and I always wondered if I wasn’t missing something. I never […]