Hotmail Forwarding – How to automatically forward Hotmail email to and from other email addresses for free.

Hotmail forwarding is a term used to describe the automatic forwarding of email from one email account to another. For example, do you maintain many email addresses with providers like Hotmail, Yahoo Gmail, and other POP3 accounts but find it difficult to keep track of all your incoming and outgoing messages? Do you find it troublesome to have to access […]

Cultural Appropriation Warriors

There seems to be a new group of people out there, and I like to call them Warriors of Cultural Appropriation. These are the people who are against cultural appropriation or the adoption of particular cultural practices by outside groups. They feel that anything involving their own culture should never escape their own inner circle. These are some of the […]

Beginning your career as a fraud lawyer

Fraud is not limited to one or two people. It is spreading like wildfire in the jungle of our society as we often see some prestigious companies committing fraud. There are different areas of expertise for a fraud attorney, and no attorney can specialize or become an expert in all types of fraud. Some of the main fields that a […]

How to understand and use NCE and Stanines

Some scores on an achievement test are less meaningful to parent educators and classroom teachers than others. The normal curve equivalent, commonly known as the NCE score, falls into this category. If a score is meaningless, it is often useless and also considered irrelevant. However, because NCEs are part of most performance test reports, here are two things to know […]

3 Types of Legal Trusts

Legal trusts have become one of the most common ways to protect an estate. You can shield and distribute assets according to the wishes of the settlor (creator of the trust) and ensure the longevity of a business. In a previous article, we mentioned 3 common types of legal trusts. They included the Qualified Personal Residence Trust (QPRT), the Credit […]

Judgment recovery training and courses

When I search the web, I often read how easy it is to make a lot of money and get rich, without working too hard, in the exciting career of enforcing sentences. Lawsuit enforcers have similar success rates to musicians. In both fields, many people dabble. Relatively few study, work hard enough, long enough to earn good money. The execution […]

Immigrant’s Guide to the American Dream

As proud immigrants to America at the turn of the 20th century, my parents worked hard and saved to secure a piece of the American Dream. MY PARENTS EMPHASIZED SAVINGS My parents raised their three American-born children with sound money management principles, the same ones that helped us secure a piece of the American Dream. His teachings required discipline and […]

Using Facebook for Small Business Marketing

Facebook is a great tool to add to your small business marketing plan. A big mistake many entrepreneurs make when it comes to social networking sites like Facebook is the belief that these sites are only useful for big companies that have big brands. Actually, Facebook can be a great small business marketing tool for businesses of all shapes and […]