10 things I’ve learned about becoming a super stripper

1. Becoming a Super Stripper is primarily a “self-education” process. While there are WONDERFUL resources online, it is ultimately up to YOU ​​to learn and apply your knowledge. There is no test, no actual certification, that says “pass” or “fail.” We determine our own success … and we determine our own failure. The fear of failure AND the fear of […]

Overcome racism and achieve success

The outrage and protests over the senseless murder of George Floyd, coupled with the brutality and callousness often displayed by the police against black men, have caused the general public to stop and consider racism a serious problem in this country. It has been a problem for many, many years. Overcoming racism will not be easy, but it is a […]

Constructive Dismissal Lawsuits in the UK

Constructive Dismissal Lawsuits The legal concept of constructive & wrongful dismissal refers to a scenario where an employer imposes a fundamental alteration s employment policy on an employee. The alteration has to be a substantial deviation from the current role performed by the employee. In such instances, employees, under such circumstances, may quit their jobs without notice and consider themselves […]