Cartilage piercing is a popular form of ear piercing

The normal earlobe piercing has been popular for many decades in various civilizations, if not centuries. Wearing pierced earlobes to hold ornaments such as earrings and pendants is the most common form of body jewelry after finger rings, although lately it has become fashionable to use other parts of the ear, or even the body, to differentiate yourself. The tragus […]

Enhanced oral chelation is more than a vitamin

Don’t be fooled by the many websites that promote improved oral chelation therapies and sell you nothing more than a simple vitamin. To remove heavy metals, detoxify your bloodstream, and cleanse your circulatory system, you will need much more than just a vitamin. When you make the decision to take your health seriously and start looking for the best alternative […]

Spiritual dreams

Spriit dreams are when the spirit of a soulmate connection and your spirit come together in some way while you sleep. These dreams seem quite real. You could make love, kiss, hug, talk, or just hold hands. They usually occur after my clients have consistently visualized or repeated affirmations to create a soulmate connection. Sometimes spiritual dreams appear to the […]

The Narcissist: A Life of Double Betrayal

Beneath the disarming facade and fascinating allure, the narcissist is calculating his next winning moves. Whether personal or professional, he is always focused on enhancing his image, power, reach and material generosity. Friends are used to place you on a higher social and professional level of power and influence. Narcissists are determined and ruthless in achieving their goals. They act […]

A Guide to Good Health: What is Nutrition?

Everybody wants good health. However, not everyone shares a common definition of what good health is, although a common starting point for any definition should include the term “nutrition.” Proper nutrition is required to keep the human body functioning, but what is nutrition? Simply put, nutrition is everything we consume that contributes to our health. Nutrition is all the vitamins, […]