How to stop your Doberman from whining

One problem many Doberman owners share is their frustration and annoyance at excessive whining. Owners often think this trait is cute when they first bring their pup home. They soon discover that he is not so cute when their adult Doberman continues to whine. In some cases, the relationship between the owner and his dog can become stressful. Most reach […]

Afghan hound

The Afghan Hound breed is a very distinctive looking dog, and once seen, you wouldn’t mistake them for another breed. Their height is substantially 24 to 29 inches and they must weigh between 44 and 59 pounds. Although their coat can be any color, white markings are discouraged, especially in the head region. There are many Afghan hounds that have […]

How to discipline a Staffordshire with ease

Now that you have your cute new puppy, you will need to learn how to discipline a Staffordshire. The Staffordshire bull terrier is a very popular breed of dog in the US and UK. People love these puppies because they are very intelligent, they are full of energy and they are wonderful with people. The type of discipline you use […]

Shiba Inu puppy care tips

The smallest of the six different breeds of dogs that originated in Japan is the Shiba Inu dog. Originally bred for hunting, Shiba Inu dogs are very small but agile creatures. It is their size that really needs to be considered when it comes to caring for them. When Shiba Inu dogs are born, even more care must be taken […]

Long Haired Chihuahua Puppies – 4 Grooming Tips

There are many types of chihuahua breeds, from long-haired dogs with tiny short hairs, which are also similar to smooth-coated dogs that are also known as short-haired Chihuahuas. Long-haired Chihuahuas have fine, soft guard hairs that are softer to the touch. Short-haired Chihuahuas actually require little to no grooming, so you don’t have to go overboard when it comes to […]

Can hedgehogs and terriers get along? Socialization is a problem!

The answer: Yes, absolutely … with a properly socialized terrier you can! Terriers, by reproduction, are hunters. Most terrier breeds were used to eradicate vermin and pests, and help hunt foxes, weasels, otters, badgers, etc. Our 5 terriers are great little hunters and still have great instincts. They love to chase squirrels, birds, insects … anything that moves in our […]

Is it illegal to have a raccoon as a pet?

Common household pets that we are used to seeing in a person’s home are typically dogs, cats, small breed reptiles, maybe a few hamsters here and there, or some goldfish. On the other hand, there are people in this world who like to step out of the box by adopting an exotic pet rather than the stereotypical furry four-legged friend. […]

Rabbit mating clothes

Rabbits are prolific breeders and are known to produce large numbers of offspring in short periods of time. Because of this, there are major problems with the overpopulation of domestic and wild rabbits around the world. For this reason, it is important that we familiarize ourselves with the mating habits of the rabbit to better understand how, when and how […]