Search Engine Optimization: If I Had a Hammer

Murphy’s Law states: When in the course of human events things can go wrong, they will go wrong, at the worst possible time. O’Tooles Law says: Murphy was optimistic. What does this have to do with search engine optimization? You better believe that these laws are in full force and effect when you design or redesign your website. Any business […]

Michigan welcomes aspiring filmmakers with film festivals

Michigan may be best known for its auto industry, its college football teams, and its contributions to the art of office furniture making. The fact remains, however, that this mitten-shaped Upper Midwest state has made great contributions to American arts and culture, and all kinds of positive signs, from the growth of downtown Grand Rapids to the sudden explosion of […]

Top 10 Reasons Thorium Power Should Replace Uranium And Coal As Power King

Thorium has been used for years in high-quality camera lenses and microwave ovens. With many other uses, thorium is now destined to be crowned king as an alternative energy source. Although technically a nuclear energy, thorium’s properties lend itself to many advantages over uranium and coal. Here are the “TOP 10” Reasons why Thorium Energy is the world’s largest alternative […]

Why craft beer is sweeping the nation

Every year, around the first week of February, the entire world of football spectators gathers to watch the game that seems to be the most important. Along with the meeting of minds are the usual staples: chips, gravy, meat and cheese products, and … craft beer? Oddly enough, despite the fact that ‘The Big Game’ is full of commercials touting […]

How much do umpires earn?

As a general rule, referee pay is very consistent and uniform. A new referee and an experienced referee working on the same game generally receive the same rate. However, larger organizations (eg a youth league) will occasionally pay umpires of different experience at different rates. Unsurprisingly, referee pay varies across the country. What an umpire gets working on a 12u […]

North and South Review (DVD)

Based on the best-selling novels by John Jakes, North And South premiered as a highly celebrated and critically acclaimed television series in 1985. In the spirit of Gone with the Wind, the novels cover 19th century America before , during and after Civil War. As with Margaret Mitchell’s classic, Jakes creates a larger-than-life cast of characters to tell his story […]

NBA Live – Entertainment at its finest!

NBA live is the online video game series published by EA Sports. This game has been published from 1995 to the present. This web series began with the NBA playoff series and is popularized as NBA Live today. You can download the NBA Live mobile application for any of your mobiles. It is compatible with almost all kinds of mobile […]