E-Commerce: The Bottom of the Pyramid Approach

For centuries and most decades of the 20th century (that is, when the computer was invented), access and communication were tools of rich and ultra-rich people, prohibitively expansive for ‘not-so-rich’ and ‘not-so-rich’ people. . All marketing research and development was focused on the top 20% of the market according to the 80:20 management principle, ignoring the 4 billion people at […]

how to use your guitar

The guitar is obviously the most popular musical instrument and has also been classified as a stringed instrument. It has about 4 to 18 strings. However, the most common number of strings is only 6. The sound that comes out of a guitar can be projected acoustically or through electrical amplification. Acoustic projection will require an acoustic guitar and the […]

Friendship between Nandu and Vedant

Friendship between Nandu and Vedant A small town surrounded by hills and green forests, simple and hard-working people leading a simple life. The Sun, just waking up and spilling its rays over the body of velvety green earth, pricking every part and hole in the earth, is giving warmth to the little seed so that it gets up and sees […]

Burn body fat fast using a butt band

If you are struggling with weight loss and/or want to tone up your body and haven’t had any positive results, we ask you not to give up! If by now you’ve basically flushed that New Year’s Resolution to lose body fat down the toilet, then it’s time to put that resolution back into active circulation, as you can now burn […]

Standardized Testing and Students with Assistive Technology

In recent years there has been a boom in standardized testing in American schools. Students are being tested in reading, math, science, social studies for state and school district standards used to demonstrate compliance with No Child Left Behind, along with NCLB testing. Students are also given graduation tests, tests to advance in school progression (ie, a student must pass […]

3 secrets to cure your sinus problems

Say goodbye to chronic sinus problems. You’re sick of that vicious cycle of one antibiotic after another that only leaves your sinuses primed for another infection and more suffering. Find out the hidden causes of sinusitis and you’ll be well on your way to overcoming those miserable sinus problems. Are you ready to get out of this vicious circle? Are […]