Mobile Home Roofs – Now Your Roof Can Literally Move

Mobile home roofing is a home construction convenience in which roofs are prefabricated prior to installation. This makes it easy to install on the home, saving homebuilders time connecting one roofing material to another. Using a circular-weave rubber membrane that is contoured to your roof, the mobile home roofing method is an easy system that gives homeowners less time to […]

How mobile app technology is transforming the healthcare industry

Mobile technology has its impact on the health, medical and pharmaceutical industry. Mobile apps are useful for doctors, fitness experts, patients, and hospital administrative staff. Doctors prescribe patients through apps. Patients can receive timely reminders for medications and regular health checks. Mobile health technology has shaped new ways that doctors can help patients, health conscious people can stay healthy by […]

Brett Favre, the media pimp

Unless you live a completely media-free life (in which case you wouldn’t be reading this), you’ve heard the latest Brett Favre news. Doctors have told the Minnesota Vikings quarterback that if he returns for a 20th pro season, he will need surgery on his left ankle. According to multiple reports, Favre faces a choice: undergo the procedure and return to […]

Warehouse Cleaning Tips

Warehouse cleaning can be a tough job. From degreasing and cleaning heavy equipment, food packaging, and processing equipment to scrubbing and degreasing the warehouse floor, there’s a lot of ground to cover. Also, cleaning a warehouse requires a lot more work than cleaning your house; things tend to get dirtier, dustier, and greasy. However, because it is ultimately a place […]

Stand Up Paddle Boarding is Hot Hot Hot!

SUP, or Stand Up Paddle Boarding is the new trend in water sports. Why is standing on a big surfboard and paddling with a long paddle going viral? These are just some of the reasons why SUP is exploding around the world. Stand Up Paddle is easy to learn. In flat, calm water anyone will be up and paddling quickly. […]