
6 obvious signs that you need to build a team

Building a business is hard. To survive and thrive, you need commitment, determination, and dedication. But it can also be a pleasurable and profitable experience, when you have the right support and resources you can trust.

Many business owners still have the employee mentality that you have to work tirelessly and do everything alone. It’s a costly mistake and will eventually stall your business growth and leave you burnt out.

There are a few key decision points that have a tremendous impact on your business and your customers’ experience, yet many business owners struggle to understand the importance of building a strong team around them.

Everyone needs help at one time or another. So how do you know when it’s time to bring someone to help you?

Here are six obvious signs that you need help right now.

1. ‘You got this’

We talk to financial planners every day about how we can support their businesses. A common belief is that they, single-handedly, hold the key to getting it all done, at the highest level and on schedule. Here are 3 of the most common pitfalls:

has. Ambition

Most likely this is due to the ambition to have it ‘covered, managed and under control’. Or that maybe if he works hard enough and fast enough, he can do it all. And the most common ‘nobody can do it better or faster than me’.

b. Modesty

The truth is that most of us are quite modest and repeatedly tell ourselves that we can do it all. If you are really strict about valuing your time and respect your time, then you should spend it on tasks that will move your business forward instead of moving forward doing drudgery that will not bring in income.

against health

The way your business runs is a direct reflection of how you run yourself. When you design a business that depends on you all the time, you end up creating a job that belongs to you instead of a business that you own.

You end up exhausted, frustrated and burnt out. If you are the only income earner, then it makes sense to let it go as it is crucial to the growth and success of your business, but also essential to your health and the health of your business.

2. I don’t have time for that!

Have you ever really sat down to find out how much time you spend answering emails, answering phone calls, sending invoices, updating your database, and searching for leads? These are ongoing, repeatable admin jobs that can be done by someone else.

You may feel ‘busy’, but you’re not making any money!

Can you imagine how much more impact you can have if you focus on your work that generates income? How about reinvigorating your marketing campaign or polishing up that elevator pitch you’ve been working on?

Time is a universal currency. You can exchange resources for time.

3. When ‘there is no rest for the wicked’ is not a good thing

How many hours do you spend keeping up with all the work on your plate but still fall behind? Do you find yourself working weekends and nights? Do you find yourself wondering if you sent that email, returned that phone call, or booked that appointment, even while you’re at the dinner table? Work is not a punishment. Continuing to work even though you are very tired will probably result in poor work. You didn’t go into business to be mediocre.

4. Great ideas never see the light of day.

Do you remember that feeling when you had that great big idea and you couldn’t stop thinking about it? you were obsessed You told everyone who would listen. And then… and then nothing. crickets she went out.

Why? You were too ‘busy’.

That long list of ideas and goals and projects generated little action, nothing is done, no progress is made. Change, progress and growth only come when we innovate. Sometimes our reluctance stems from risk resistance, fear of failure, or fear of success. Let’s not hide behind the ‘hustle’. Move the idea forward because that’s when the magic happens.

5. Where have all the sales gone?

Do you know how much you’re missing out on sales and lead development opportunities because your email list isn’t up to date? How much money are you leaving on the table when you don’t follow up on leads? When potential customers wait, how you spend your time is important. Delegate and team up because later, when you’re busy serving those customers, you’ll be happy to have people, systems, and resources in place.

6. Are you happy?

Your business should be about you and your relationships with your customers. If you want to improve the connections you have with your customers, then focus on what works for them and what makes you happy.

You can learn how to do website design, content creation, marketing, and billing. But why learn a new skill if you don’t plan on using it regularly?

Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should.

final thought

Everyone needs help at some point.

If you find yourself stuck doing non-revenue generating activities that are challenging or time consuming, then delegate these tasks to someone else.

Surround yourself with good people and take care of your team. When you take care of your team, they will naturally take care of your customers. Today is the day you will start thinking like a business owner and not like an employee.

Delegating is an art and a fundamental skill that can make the difference between being a true leader or just leading.

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