Health Fitness

At Home Teeth Whitening – Get Your Teeth Bright White Safely

I just love having white teeth and I know for sure that a lot of people would agree with me. When my teeth are white, I feel more confident and I feel like people notice me more. The only thing is, I really don’t like to go through all the chemical treatments, dental visits, and laser treatments just to get my teeth white. Also, did you know that if you ruin the enamel on your teeth, the damage is permanent? You will have sensitive teeth, the stinging sensation when you drink or eat something cold and your teeth will be even more prone to cavities!

This is why I decided to search online for safer ways to whiten my teeth. In the process, I have found some teeth whitening solutions that can be easily made from household materials and are also safe to use. Although this option would take more time than visits to the dentist, it would be much cheaper for your finances and you can do it from the comfort of your home. All you need to do is choose one of the tricks below and stick with the treatment, and in two weeks, you may start to see results.

1. Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda: Start by combining ½ teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide with 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Mix this and apply it on the teeth. Let it sit for 30 seconds and then rinse with lukewarm water. You should do this at least once a week until you get the results you want. This solution is especially good for smokers as it removes stains and reduces tartar. The only downside to this method is that it cannot be used on sensitive teeth.

2. Strawberries: This is easy. Simply cut the bur into easy-to-hold chunks and rub them directly onto your teeth. Leave it in and rinse after about 45 minutes. Again, repeat as needed once a day until you achieve the desired results. Smokers and coffee drinkers will benefit from this fruity teeth whitening solution as strawberries have mild whitening properties and the seed acts as little scrubbers on teeth.

3. Kaolin and vegetable glycerin: If you have no idea what kaolin is, it is a white cosmetic clay that is (slightly) abrasive and can therefore remove stains from your teeth. You can start making your teeth whitening solution by combining 1 teaspoon of kaolin with 1 teaspoon of vegetable glycerin. Mix the two and apply to a damp toothbrush. Brush as you normally would once a day. Vegetable glycerin is sweet to taste, making this mix easier to use.

Four. Milk of magnesia: If you’re wondering what milk is this, trust me, it doesn’t come from any animal. This milk of magnesia is a liquid that is used as an antacid or hydrating laxative. It has the mineral magnesium and a milky white color that gives it its name. Since this liquid has bleaching and stain removal properties, it is ideal for using a teeth whitening solution. Just rub it on your teeth before bed and brush as usual in the morning. This treatment is suitable for people with sensitive teeth as it has no adverse effects on the gums.

The best thing you can do to take care of your white teeth is to avoid foods and drinks that stain your teeth. Eat more spinach, broccoli, and lettuce, as these vegetables form a barrier over your teeth, protecting them from staining. Carrots, apples, and celery need a lot of chewing and that means a lot of tooth brushing action.

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