Aruba – after dark

Although the Caribbean is known for its laid-back attitude, the party never seems to stop in Aruba. Many of Aruba’s top resorts feature live entertainment and casinos, while the local dance clubs are packed with partygoers all night long. In Oranjestad, Aruba’s bustling capital, the bars don’t start to fill up until 10 or 11 pm and stay open until […]

Management of your working day in Internal Sales

CRM or no CRM: that is the question Most organizations I work with have some type of customer database or CRM (customer relationship management) system in place. If you do then you should learn all the aspects and use it to manage your work life. Easy. A good CRM will allow you to track every contact with a customer, what […]

Lease types and examples

Leasing is an ancient method of financing that is now gaining popularity almost everywhere in the world. Legally, the lease is not a sale of the thing, but a sale of usufruct (the right to use the thing) for a certain period of time. According to him, there are two parties, one is the owner or lessor of the asset […]

Peace be your sanctuary

A healing sanctuary design specialist suggests solutions to create a symbiotic relationship between the user and the space. Regardless of what is occupied, a home, office, commercial or spiritual space, calm is created to restore the occupants to a quality state of being. Another way to describe this interior design service is that we create environments conducive to tranquility. However, […]

ECU Remapping – Custom Remaps vs. Library Maps

You already know how ECU remapping can improve your car’s performance: more horsepower and torque, smoother handling, better fuel economy. Now all you have to do is find someone to do the job. You will probably notice that some companies advertise custom or personalized maps and other companies talk about using library maps. It is really important to know the […]

Drug Discovery: Identifying and Optimizing Leads

Lead – Definition A lead is defined as a compound, usually a small organic molecule, that demonstrates the desired biological activity in a validated molecular target. The most important sources of clues are the “Libraries” of molecules, eg natural product libraries, peptide libraries, carbohydrate libraries, etc. Virtual libraries can be created using “Combinatorial Chemistry”. Lead Identification Technologies Virtual projection. Chemoinformatics. […]

The five best wedding gifts for lesbians and gays

A gay or lesbian wedding is often called a commitment ceremony because gay or lesbian marriages have not been legalized in many jurisdictions. Regardless of the occasion being referred to when the gay or lesbian couple says their vows, the good taste of a gay wedding gift or the bad taste of a lesbian engagement gift is still a topic […]

Foods to Consider for an Acid Reflux Diet

This is general advice if you are going to follow an acid reflux diet. Eating large meals and eating just before bedtime is not recommended when following an acid reflux diet. You are also supposed to avoid fatty and/or spicy foods. All of this clothing can lead to increased production of stomach acid that can enter and cause damage to […]