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Baby Bible Names and Meanings

Finding the perfect name for your child is a very important task. After all, this is what they will be called upon for the rest of their lives. Even the Bible says in Proverbs 22: 1: “It is better to choose a good name than great riches.”

Speaking of the Bible, the good book is a great place to find beautiful biblical baby names that are full of meaning. And since meaning is an important part of choosing a name, here are some great Biblical baby names and their meanings.

Biblical baby names for girls:

Abigail was the wife of King David. It means ‘father’s joy’.

Bethany was the place where Lazarus, Mary and Martha lived. It means ‘house of figs’.

Beulah means ‘the married one’. It is also a place and is used to refer to heaven.

Candace was a powerful queen of Ethiopia. It means ‘bright, white or clear’.

Deborah was a strong prophetess who helped win an important battle. The name means ‘bee’.

Delilah was Samson’s lover who gave him up to the Philistines. It means delicate.

Dina was the only named daughter of Jacob. It means judgment.

Elizabeth was the mother of John the Baptist and cousin of Mary, the mother of Jesus. It means consecrated to God.

Esther was a queen who saved the Hebrew people from mass slaughter. It means ‘a star’.

Eva was the first woman created. It means giver of life.

Hannah begged God to give her a son and he gave her Samuel, the great prophet. It means ‘grace of God’.

Leah means ‘sunlight’. Leah was Jacob’s first wife.

Lydia was one of the apostle Paul’s converts. It is also the name of a place in Asia Minor. The name means ‘from Lydia’.

Maria means ‘bitter or sea of ​​pain’. It is most commonly associated with the mother of Jesus Christ.

Naomi was Ruth’s mother-in-law. Naomi means nice.

Rachel was Jacob’s favorite wife and Joseph’s mother. It means ‘a sheep’.

Rebekah was Isaac’s wife. This name means “knotted cord”.

Ruth was Naomi’s daughter-in-law and Boaz’s wife. An entire book of the Bible is dedicated to his story. Ruth means “companion”.

Sarah was Abraham’s wife. Her name means princess.

Biblical baby names for boys:

Aaron was the brother of Moses. It means exalted.

Adam was the first man created by God. It means ‘red earth’.

Andrew was one of the disciples of Jesus. It means ‘manly, brave’.

Caleb means ‘devoted’. He was one of those sent to explore the Promised Land.

Daniel means ‘God is my judge’. He remained faithful to God even when he was threatened with death in a lion’s den.

David was perhaps the most famous king of Israel. In the Bible he is described as a man after God’s own heart. David means loved.

Ethan is a man in the Old Testament whose name means ‘firm, firm’.

Ezra was a prophet. His name means ‘the helper’.

Gabriel means ‘God is my strength’ and is one of God’s superior angels.

Gideon means ‘a mighty warrior’. He helped liberate the Israelites from the Midians.

Isaac was the promised miracle son of Abraham and Sarah. The name means ‘laughter’ because Sarah laughed when she heard the angels tell Abraham that she would have a son in her old age.

Jacob was the younger twin son of Isaac. He came out holding Esau’s heel, which is why it means ‘heel hold’.

Jesse was the father of King David. His name means ‘gift of God’.

Joel was a minor prophet in the Old Testament. His name means ‘the Lord is God’.

Jonah was the fugitive prophet who warned the people of Nineveh of God’s wrath and coming judgment. It means ‘a man of peace’.

Joseph was Jacob’s favorite son. Another was the adoptive father of Jesus. It means ‘God will increase’.

Joshua means ‘God is salvation’. Led the Israelites to the Promised Land.

Luke was one of Jesus’ disciples and a physician. It means ‘from Lucania’.

Mark was another of the 12 disciples. It means ‘from Mars’.

Matthew means ‘a gift from God’. He was one of the disciples and wrote the first book of the New Testament.

Micah was a minor prophet in the Old Testament. It means humble.

Michael is one of the archangels of the Lord. It means ‘like the Lord’.

Nathan was the prophet who gave the message of God to King David. It means ‘gift of God’.

Paul was a Pharisee that Jesus converted on the road to Damascus. It means ‘small’.

Peter was the most fighting of the disciples. Its name means “stone or rock”.

Philip was a prophet who helped the Ethiopian eunuch save himself. It means horse lover.

Samuel means asked of God. He was a great prophet in the Old Testament.

Set was the third son of Adam and Eve. His name means ‘the appointed one’.

Stephen was a follower of Christ who was stoned to death. His name means ‘a crown’.

Timoteo was Paul’s assistant. His name means “honor God”.

Zacharias was the father of John the Baptist. His name means ‘remembered by the Lord’.

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