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Candida Symptoms in Men – 7 Signs of Candida in Men

If you want to know about Candida symptoms in men, you’ll want to read this. Candida symptoms in men can be confused with other conditions, so you should always see your doctor for a proper diagnosis. Here, you’ll discover 7 of the most common signs of male Candida, plus their causes and treatment options.

Here are the 7 most common symptoms of yeast infection in men…

– red/inflamed and swollen glans

– severe itching

– sensation of burning

– blister-like spots that may ‘weep’

– pain when urinating

– painful sex

– impotence/difficulty having sexual intercourse

But there are other, lesser-known candida symptoms in men; here are some…

– continuous tiredness

– muscle stiffness and pain

– stiff and sore joints

– Diarrhea

– constipation

– skin lesions


But what causes the signs and symptoms of Candida?

The cause of Candida in men and women is the yeast-like fungus called Candida Albicans that occurs naturally in our bodies. Our ‘friendly’ bacteria keep it in check so it normally doesn’t cause any problems.

But if your number of good bacteria is insufficient to do this effectively, the Candida Albicans can overgrow and cause a Candida infection. This is also known as yeast infection and candidiasis.

Triggers for this are things like diabetes, a weakened immune system, stress, overuse of antibiotics, overuse of steroids, poor nutrition, drug use, medical conditions like cancer and HIV/AIDS, etc., and although sex is not a cause, it can ‘transfer’ the infection.

What treatment for Candida is available?

The normal treatments are drug-based medications that are applied topically to the affected area. These take the form of creams, pessaries, lotions, liquid suspensions, etc., depending on the site of the infection.

These may work well enough to eliminate Candida symptoms, but many men and women find that the infection may take some time to clear up, or clear up only to return once more. This is called recurrent Candida or Candidiasis, or recurrent yeast infection.

This is thought to happen because the drugs address the symptoms but not the root cause, and the fungus can become resistant to the drugs. The result is nasty recurring infections that seem harder and harder to remove.

Is there an alternative?

Yes, more and more men with a Candida infection (and women) are choosing all-natural home remedies that don’t have the drawbacks and costs of drug-based medications.

This takes the form of things like herbal remedies, dietary changes, natural supplements, and much more, including awareness of lifestyle changes to make.

There are literally hundreds out there that you will have to research and try. But all your hard work will be well rewarded if you get rid of your Candida infection for good, as people all over the world have been finding out.

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