Type 2 diabetes: causes and treatments

As most of us know, diabetes is related to high blood sugar levels, while type 2 diabetes is related to insulin resistance. When a person is affected by type 2 diabetes, their body loses the ability to respond to insulin levels. This article focuses on the causes and tips for overcoming type 2 diabetes. What are the causes? Inheritances: People […]

Phenteramine benefits

Lazarus Labs has launched another weight loss product called Phenteramin. It is a pharmaceutical grade weight management aid made up of ingredients combined to burn fat, suppress appetite, speed up metabolism, and regulate thyroid function. Phenteramine benefits The ingredients found in Phenteramin have been found to suppress your appetite so you don’t feel as hungry or eat fatty or sugary […]

Understanding BMR: the magic number for weight loss

Have you noticed that every year it becomes more difficult to eat what you usually do without gaining weight? This is because your basal metabolic rate (BMR) decreases as you age. And to make matters worse, starving yourself lowers your BMR by sabotaging your weight loss plans. This article will explain what BMR is, how to calculate it, and how […]

Celebrating fall in warm weather

Raising a family where the weather is typically warmer than the rest of the country can pose some challenges, especially when it comes to celebrating fall or other cooler weather parties. The leaves generally do not change color. The weather is mild on 80 degree days on any given day and there is only a hint of fall on cold […]