Educational Activity Toys for Toddlers

Little kids are on the go! They are a busy bunch who love activity in their game. By choosing the right toys, you can help them improve their dexterity, coordination, and improve their cognitive abilities while on the go. By choosing educational activity toys for your toddler, you can also help them develop fine motor skills that also precede writing. […]

starting a business selling tutus

Let’s face it, the economy doesn’t seem to be improving, and sometimes stay-at-home moms’ options are very limited when it comes to trying to generate a second income. More and more women are turning to home-based businesses to help ease some of the burden on their spouses. Testing your creativity and selling your creations can be a successful money maker. […]

Commercial Construction Tips: How to Stay on Budget

Keeping a commercial construction project within budget requires determination, vigilance, creative problem-solving, and diplomacy. It begins almost the moment a project is conceived and continues throughout the construction period. There are many reasons why a commercial construction project will go over budget. Some causes simply cannot be adequately assessed or budgeted for, such as delays and property losses caused by […]

Greetings to the new high school principal: here’s your first big headache

When you read any article or book published for school administrators, you can usually tell after the first paragraph whether the person writing is an Educational Leadership writer or someone who has actually been in the role of principal. Writers often write wonderful things about how the principal is “the educational leader of the building” and other platitudes that are […]

Criminal Defense Lawyer – When You Need One

This is a professional that can be hired to defend both individuals and legal entities. In a legal setting, they are known as the defendant and have been arrested on suspicion of illegal activity. This attorney may also be called a criminal attorney or defense attorney/attorney. They are responsible for representing people in court who have been accused of some […]

Standardized Testing and Students with Assistive Technology

In recent years there has been a boom in standardized testing in American schools. Students are being tested in reading, math, science, social studies for state and school district standards used to demonstrate compliance with No Child Left Behind, along with NCLB testing. Students are also given graduation tests, tests to advance in school progression (ie, a student must pass […]