
Do something

I know when you read the title. Do something, you were somewhat confused. You may have even said to yourself, do what? That’s what it was meant for you, a thought. I wanted to make you wonder what it was you could do. Do Something in this case refers to the miracles that happen to us. Miracles that we choose to ignore or simply cannot identify to take advantage of. This was all inspired by a song. Keep reading to know more.

We as a group tend to blame everyone around us rather than ourselves. We see something happen that makes us angry or sad and we look up to the sky and ask “Why don’t you do something?” We do this over and over again. I have been known to ask God questions like this, so I know you have, too.

Do you know his answer to this?

your answer is “I did something, I created you”. God created man in his image, in the image of God. It is our responsibility to do God’s work on Earth through him. It depends on us Do something.

If you need more convincing, listen to the matthew west song called Do something. This will clarify our role here on Earth and the purpose of our existence. Each and every day we have the opportunity to be called to perform miracles through God. We must be open to receive his message.

The message can come in the form of a hunch, a nudge, or a driving force. You feel it but you can choose to ignore it. This could be because you don’t understand what is happening and they are not in tune with God’s messages. We attribute many things to coincidence when in reality they are everyday miracles. We do this in our business too.

Each of us has the opportunity to perform miracles. All we have to do is ask to be a messenger. You could be chosen at any time to do this. You might even be selected when you are in a hurry or have other plans that don’t include performing a miracle right now. If you give yourself to God as a missionary, prepare to be used. He is always looking for people here to help him complete miracles.

Has someone ever sat next to you and started a conversation? I know you have, we all have. The conversation I’m referring to is deeper than your average greeting and he likes the cold front ahead. The person who found you begins to pour out their heart and asks what you would do in their situation. This may have happened to you, and if it did, you probably just thought it was a coincidence. She probably thought that if someone else was sitting here, she would have spoken to him. I believe you were chosen to be sitting there at that time so you could do a miracle. Chances are the person in need was praying for help and you were the perfect match for them. You were chosen to be that person.

Miracles don’t just happen when we ask for them, you can also ask for a miracle to be done. This lets God know that you are willing to help where it is needed.

Maybe you are at the end of your rope and need a fresh start. Maybe the job you always thought you wanted just finished. Maybe you worked there for 30 years and dedicated everything to this place. You came early every day and stayed late, and when you were away and they needed help, you volunteered to work. This job was like a member of his family. These people were also family. He would do almost anything for the company and his coworkers. Let’s say the owner gets very sick and can no longer run the business, he must sell or go under. They sell the business to another large company.

This large company does not have to honor all the benefits you were receiving and decides not to continue with the retirement plan that you had for 30 years. He was finally going to retire, actually next year, but now he doesn’t have a retirement and he has no options. You cannot find a decent job in another company because of your age. Also, there is not enough time to recover the money you lost in retirement benefits. What do you do for a living?

You asked God for a miracle and explained your difficulties. You begged every night and morning for a sign of what to do. The question is, are you listening for that signal? If not, you will miss it. You must realize when a miracle happens to you. That miracle may be someone else in the world who told God that he wants a mission and wants to help someone. You two were matched for a perfect match. The person we talked about above opening her heart to a complete stranger and without knowing why, it could be you.

This email you are receiving could be a message for you. I could be the messenger working on connecting with you. You asked for a change and I just brought it to you. Are you ready to step up and receive your miracle? Are you ready to listen to the push, the intuition, etc. and take action? Are you ready for Do something.

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