
Dog Clicker Training: Stop Your Dog Digging

You come home one day to find that your backyard looks like the moon, full of craters! And your garden? Well, say goodbye to your newly planted flowers. One of the most common dog problems that every owner encounters at one time or another is dog digging. Dogs love to dig! Whether it’s in the garden, the backyard, under the fence, or even in a cat litter box, your dog will naturally dig at times. Here are some ways you can stop your dog from digging.

do not punish

The most important rule to learn is to avoid punishment. Especially when you don’t catch your dog in the act of digging, he won’t understand why he is being punished. Remember, digging is a natural action for them (as pooping anywhere is for birds and scratching is for cats) so your pet won’t understand why you’re punishing him for it. You need to understand why your dog is digging so you can solve the problem.

Keep the dog active

One of the reasons dogs dig is out of boredom. To avoid this, get in the habit of walking and playing with your pets. Keep them active as most dogs need daily exercise and activity. Keeping your dog busy while you’re not around is also an important factor to consider. Get him activity toys that will keep him busy for long periods of time. There are a good number of activity toys out there that will keep your dogs physically and mentally engaged.

fence it

If there are certain areas you don’t want your pet to get to, close them off. Areas like the flower bed need protection, especially from curious k9s who love the smell of fertilizer and freshly dug earth. Using sprinklers can also help, as most pets hate getting wet. When you see your dog heading for the plants, turn on the sprinklers!

Don’t let your dog out

Dogs dig for shelter. They may be hot and are trying to cool down by digging a hole and bringing their bodies to a cooler temperature. In the same way, dogs dig when it is too cold as the ground temperature is warmer. Make sure your dog has a shed to stay in and plenty of water to drink on hot days and don’t leave your pet outside on rainy and winter days.

Build your dog in Digging Corner

It might be a good idea to make your dog an area where he can dig all he wants! Build an area and you can choose to hide treats underground. This will encourage your dog to dig in that area.

Put what you hate in every hole

Things like their poop or cayenne pepper powder will deter your pet from digging. You can also choose to place chicken wire just below the top layer of soil so that when your dog starts digging, his nails immediately come into contact with the chicken wire.

train your dog

Basic obedience training will help you communicate with your dog. Dog clicker training is an effective way to do this. Being a training method that encourages positive reinforcement through rewards, your dog will love to follow you and learn new things.

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