
Future soldiers: what can you bring to basic training?

The most frequently asked questions recruits ask today are “What can you bring to basic training?” There are several things you can pack for boot camp, but you don’t want to forget these items, such as running shoes, a cell phone, stationery, a debit card, cash, and also plain clothes. After all, you want to have the best possible experience with the least amount of trouble in basic training. These are some of the few things you can bring to boot camp.

Running shoes. You can bring your own basic running shoes. You can bring your running shoes (tennis shoes) but it will be up to your drill sergeants whether or not they will allow you to wear them. Some drill sergeants will make you buy the shoes they sell at reception. It depends where you go to train and some drill sergeants allow soldiers to wear their own shoes and they don’t have to buy them.

Cell phones. You may bring your own cell phone, but it will be up to the drill sergeant to decide if you will receive any phone privileges (cell phone or phone booth). You can keep your cell phone during reception, but once you’re at the basic level, you’ll have to hand it over to the drill sergeants. You won’t get them back until you start the white phase or every other Sunday.

Stationary supplies. You can bring your own stationery supplies such as paper, envelopes, and stamps, or you can purchase them while you are in basic training. You have the freedom to write letters every night and send them to a family member or friend every day. You’ll have to do 10 push-ups for every letter you receive during the mail call, which is well worth it.

Debit. It is strongly recommended that you bring your own debit card linked to your account. You’ll need to restock later for grooming and withdraw money from the ATM to pay for haircuts at the PX. Some things aren’t free in training and you’ll have to reach into your pocket sometimes to pay for basics like a haircut or if you want to buy a class yearbook.

Directory. Bring an address book with a list of your family members and your next of kin. It’s very important to have someone’s mailing address so you can send letters and add them to your life insurance, emergency contact, and beneficiary when you’re in the works during the receiving battalion.

Cash. Bring a few extra dollars but no more than $50. She may never know what could happen during her trip to the training camp. You may need to take a taxi or buy something to eat.

civilian clothing. Wear the clothes you are wearing because the first day you arrive at the reception battalion, the Army will give you a lot of uniforms and equipment. He will wear the uniform of his PT or ACU. You are no longer allowed to wear your civilian clothes and must dress according to the uniform for that day.

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