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Get Pregnant Fast – 10 Super Quick and Easy Steps

So, are you looking to get pregnant and want to do everything you can to get it done as quickly as possible? Here are some super easy steps to help ensure you’ll get pregnant fast!

1. Be sure to communicate your plans to your partner. He’s going to have a big role in the process, so you better make sure he agrees with you.

2. Stop using all contraceptive methods. Those days have ended for a while. It’s also a good idea for you and your partner to have a complete physical beforehand to make sure there are no potential health problems or infertility and that you both don’t have any STDs.

3. Get an ovulation calculator and find out your best days to get pregnant. Mark them on a calendar. You only have a 3-5 day “fertility window,” halfway between your last period and the next. These are your best days to get pregnant, so make sure you don’t miss them.

4. Check with your nutritionist about some good supplements and herbs for fertility. Zinc is a great supplement for healthy, vibrant sperm and there are all kinds of Chinese herbs worth investigating.

5. Exercise and eat a healthy diet. To be prepared! You will have enough sex for about 5 days in a row. Make sure you two are in excellent physical condition! This will not only help with conception but also with pregnancy and will ease recovery after the baby is born. Not to mention the impact it will have on your overall attitude, which is key to success at all levels!

6. Put to meditate and visualize your success. Reducing stress is one of the key factors in successfully conceiving. Along with exercise, meditation is a proven stress reducer. During your meditation, visualize your sperm successfully fertilizing your egg! Remember, we are doing everything we can to get pregnant fast!

7. Make it fun! Don’t get too serious. You and your partner are together in an incredible adventure. Try to keep that in perspective as you work together to conceive. Do everything you can to enjoy the trip!

8. Having sex only in the missionary position and stand up for 20 minutes when you finish. Headstands are a joke, but you do want to do your best to make sure gravity works with you to help the sperm swim to the uterus. Having sex or with you sex does not help the process. I know you’re trying to get pregnant quickly, but try to make sure your partner stays inside you for a few minutes after you ejaculate and prop your hips up on a pillow for about 15 minutes when you’re done.

9. Do what you can to have orgasms together with your partner. (Oh, what a bummer!) The contractions will help move the sperm!

10. Have lots and lots of sex! At least 3-5 times a day during the days you have selected above as your best days to get pregnant. You might want to make sure your partner has plenty of those little blue pills! (Reread step #5)

There are your 10 super fast and easy steps. Now, what are you doing still reading this? Get your partner and keep going! Reading definitely won’t help you get pregnant fast!

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