Health Fitness

How to get flagged – 3 mistakes to avoid

Most people don’t know how to manipulate themselves and work very hard on systems that are doomed from the start. In this article, I show and explain 3 common mistakes people make when trying to lose body fat and get that lean, ripped body that so many people want.

1. Go on a diet

I know a lot of people think I must be freaking out to put this at the top of my list, but it’s easily the biggest mistake people make when trying to lose weight. Let me explain. Most of the diets you find on the internet or from a fitness guru actually involve starving yourself. There are 2 main problems with this method:

has. Hunger causes your body to automatically lower its metabolism. By lowering your metabolism, your body burns fewer calories per day, requiring you to eat less and less each day. I’ll be the first to admit that if you starve yourself for a long time, you will lose weight, but statistics show that over 95% of dieters don’t last more than a month. Once you come off the diet, you add all the weight you had lost and more because your body had slowed down your metabolism and when you start eating normally you are actually overfeeding your body. Therefore, excess calories are stored as fat.

b. Diets make you lose muscle. Since your body doesn’t get the proper nutrition it needs to function, the body begins to break down muscle for energy to function. Not only does this increase your body fat ratio, but it also lowers your metabolism because muscle burns more calories in your body than fat. In any fat loss or weight loss program, you want to make sure that you keep at least as much muscle as you have. For best results, working hard to build muscle will accelerate fat loss and get you down faster.

You’re better off getting a program with proper meal plans that give you all the macronutrients you need for muscle growth and show you how to get ripped by eating the right foods. Tea Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer The program is one of those systems that is designed to meet all of your nutritional needs to get ripped.

2. Fat burners and diet pills

All fat burners and diet pills on the market are scams and a complete waste of money. The money spent on these fat burners and diet pills would be better spent paying for gym memberships and buying a program that guides you correctly on how to get ripped. Fat burners and diet pills don’t actually burn fat, they are designed to suppress your appetite. Once you suppress your appetite, your body stops getting enough nutrients to maintain and build more muscle. As mentioned above, this has the effect of slowing down your metabolism and therefore your body uses fewer calories, causing it to burn less fat, thus jeopardizing your goal of being ripped. A suppressed appetite also leads to what I call survival mode. This is when the body realizes that it is not getting enough nutrients, so it begins to retain more and more fat. This is a natural process because the body wants to survive as long as possible with the energy sources it has. Since your body stubbornly holds on to the fat it has, it takes longer to tear it down. To add to this, once you stop taking the pills, your appetite will return very quickly, but it will take much longer for your metabolism to return to its normal rate. During this time you will gain back all the fat you lost and probably even more.

If you want to know how to get ripped, avoid any program that recommends you take diet or fat burning pills. They are scamming you (pun intended).

3. Do a lot of abdominal exercises.

I had to add this one because most people who are trying to figure out how to get a ripped figure are also aiming to lose abdominal or belly fat. I can say this with confidence because the body has a bad habit of dumping excess calories into the midsection of the body.

Now common thinking would say that if I exercise my abs daily, I will start to lose fat around my abdomen. NO!!, the body doesn’t work like that. The body burns fat to produce energy. If you do sit-ups or sit-ups, the body doesn’t necessarily burn fat from your abs, in fact it burns fat from your entire body. But there are 2 main problems with this.

has. The abdominal muscles are a small muscle group, so the body doesn’t need to burn a lot of calories for you to exercise your abs to exhaustion. You’re better off working bigger muscles because they’ll burn more calories, which will lead to more fat burning, which will lead to more belly fat loss.

b. If you focus on developing your abs, the muscles will really grow. But if there is a layer of fat over these newly developed large abdominal muscles, this causes the fat to bulge even more.

This tip on how to get ripped is very important, as you need to get a program that gives you well-balanced workouts that work your entire body instead of targeting certain muscles. Your balanced workout should include exercises for all the major muscle groups to burn as many calories as possible.

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