
How to make money – Stock market?

The previous article, on how to make money, looked at the possibilities of real estate and was quick to squash that option for the moment. Now we can’t just ignore the stock market, as if it had suddenly ceased to exist, but it would be crazy to approach that den of thieves. Nothing specific, but can you imagine putting your hard-earned money in the hands of a commissioned broker, whether you burn out or not? How good are investment advisers to you when even they are more lost than a cat on moving day? How strong is it when stock prices can go up and down 30% in one day? Too much for long-term growth.

Over very long periods, statistics can show healthy gains in the stock market. But there are many kinds of lies, and statistics can tell any lie you feel inclined to!

The bottom line is that stock markets are driven by special interest groups and their media. Does it make any sense that the price of Company A’s stock could double one day, halve the next, and double the next week? This is a hypothetical example, but it illustrates the point very well. Company A didn’t jump through flaming hoops, plunged into a pool full of alligators, and then dried in an oven to deserve such wild changes in their inherent worth. It all comes down to unstable emotions and perceptions. It is a market to feel good and feel bad that does not have to respect the logic. Sorry, if it offends me, it’s true that anyone investing in the stock market right now should be certified crazy.

UNLESS – you are a member of the Porsche family! This is a good example of how powerful knowledge can be in the hands of the right people and applied with extreme intelligence. You may have seen in recent news that Porsche acquired a close to 75% stake in VW of Germany and, for a short time, Volkswagen was the number one company in the world. Porsche’s intention is to eventually take full control of VW and the only remaining obstacle is German law that makes it more difficult.

Simply put, because I don’t fully understand what they did, it was take options to buy VW shares at future values, and they were smart enough to bet on bargain prices, so when they closed each deal, they made enough profit. to buy even more VW shares. Its success was so great that it became a shopping spree and the rest of the shopping market was left behind in the dust.

If you’re that bright, get into the stock market, but I can’t imagine why you’ve read this far! For the rest of us, dear mortals, I say: look for something with great potential, but with low entry costs and risks.

Goodbye Bag!

I’d say the Internet is one of the few low-cost, high-potential companies out there right now. Any conventional business simply carries too much cost and risk. Would you like to work from home, not work, or need three jobs? Would you like to learn how to start your own business and earn money quickly? How about making money pretty fast and then growing exponentially from there? Take a look at a system that very smart people have created that shows you how to make money online – lots of money online. You’ve spent enough time reading this far, go there, find us on the other side, and good luck! You can do it and we can help you.

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