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Indigestion Cure – Home and Ayurvedic Remedies, Dietary Treatments

Indigestion is called Agnimandya in Ayurveda. In fact, indigestion is not a disease in itself, but rather a manifestation of some problem with the gastrointestinal tract. Agni is responsible for the proper digestion of food in the body. When there is an imbalance of agni, which means digestive fire, then the digestion process is interrupted. This is when indigestion occurs. Agni can be flawed due to various reasons. Eating the wrong foods, eating at the wrong times, having negative thoughts in your mind, excessive stress, and even physical problems with the gastrointestinal tract can cause indigestion. Indigestion must be cured quickly or it will accumulate toxins in the body, which are called ama.

There are differences in indigestion caused in people due to vata, pitta and kapha doshas. In people with vata dosha, indigestion feels like a painful cramp in the abdomen. In people with pitta dosha, there is a kind of burning or stabbing pain in the abdomen. Indigestion in people with kapha dosha is the most violent. In them, it is characterized by nausea and vomiting along with abdominal pain.

(1) Herbs useful in treating indigestion

1. Anise (Pimpinella anisum)

Anise is an excellent remedy for gurgling in the abdomen, which is an indication of excess gas. It can slow the fermentation of undigested food in the stomach and intestines.

2. Belleric Myrobalan (Terminalia belerica)

Belleric myrobalan is the extremely potent component of Triphala choorna, which is known as bahera. This is a wonderful carminative. Solves diarrhea and indigestion problems. It can also be taken in case of intestinal worms, which could be a cause of indigestion.

3. Bishop’s weed (Trachyspermum ammi)

Bishop’s herb is used in the treatment of a large number of problems related to digestion, such as indigestion, diarrhea, dysentery, atonic dyspepsia, colic and flatulence. It is an important ingredient of most Indian dishes. Helps in the digestion of heavy and spicy fatty foods.

4. Bloodblood (Achillea millefolium)

Bloodwort is a very simple traditional remedy used for the treatment of indigestion. Just one tablespoon of the fresh juice of this herb three times a day helps in treating indigestion and other gastric disorders.

5. Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum)

Cardamom is a cooling agent. It helps the stomach and intestines calm down after a heavy meal and aid digestion. Helps expel wind caused by undigested food material.

6. Chicory (Chicorium intybus)

Chicory is a natural laxative. The use of this herb helps in the treatment of chronic constipation and helps in proper digestion.

7. Clove (Syzygium aromaticum)

The astringent action of clove in the stomach stimulates the production of dietary enzymes. This facilitates faster digestion.

8. Dill (Anethum sowa)

Dill is used in the treatment of constipation. Due to its mild nature, it can be used effectively for children.

9. Fennel (Fenneliculum vulgare)

Fennel is the most effective herb in preventing indigestion. Traditionally, some sugar-sweetened fennel seeds are provided after each meal. This is known to aid digestion and also takes care of bad mouth odors and flatulence.

10. Garlic (Allium sativum)

Garlic helps in faster production of digestive enzymes and also removes waste from the digestive system. Due to its antiseptic properties, garlic can also help in the prevention of gastrointestinal illnesses, which can cause indigestion. Garlic expels any intestinal worm if present.

11. Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Ginger is very effective in treating all kinds of gastrointestinal ailments. It can treat colic, flatulence, diarrhea, dysentery, abdominal pain and dyspepsia.

(2) Dietary treatments for indigestion

Having a proper dietary regimen is the best way to keep indigestion at bay. Obey the following guidelines:-

1. Don’t eat heavy diet when you have indigestion problem. Follow a vegetarian diet and eat more fiber. Fasting for one day will help a lot. On this fast day, you can consume fluids such as fresh fruit juices. Do not consume any liquid that contains synthetic ingredients.

2. Indians believe in the properties of buttermilk and curd to aid digestion. During indigestion, mix some curd into rice, sweeten with sugar and eat it. This is the most ideal food for indigestion.

(3) Ayurvedic treatments for indigestion

In general, indigestion can be cured and controlled with proper diet as described above and no medication is needed. But in some severe cases, Hingavashtaka choorna (a preparation made with asafetida as the main ingredient) can be given as a powder with ghee.

(4) Home remedies for indigestion

1. Prepare an infusion of anise, ginger, cumin seeds and pepper in boiling water. All of these are digestive. Consume this whenever there is an indigestion problem. There will be motions and relief will be immediate.

2. Prepare a paan (leaf wrapped in an edible substance) of betel leaf on Bishop’s weed seeds. You can add a little rock salt to the bread for flavor. Chew this bread every time you have indigestion problems.

3. Soak teaspoon amount of celery seed in a glass of buttermilk. Keep this for five to six hours. Consuming this mixture helps relieve indigestion quickly.

4. After a heavy meal, put two or three pieces of cloves or a piece of garlic in your mouth and leave them there until all the juice is extracted. This will help digestion go faster. Alternatively, fennel seeds can also be put in the mouth.

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