Tours Travel

Inexpensive spring fun the whole family can enjoy

Spring is the perfect time for the whole family to get out and have fun, but getting together doesn’t have to be expensive. There are plenty of activities that everyone can enjoy that won’t break the bank. Only a few are flying a stunt kite after a picnic in a local park, gathering everyone by bike and going for a ride or walking on a local trail. These activities will get your family away from the TV, video games, and computer, off the couch, and out into the sun.

Fly a stunt kite after a picnic in the park

A picnic lunch followed by flying a stunt kite in the park is a great way to spend the afternoon. Lunch can be as simple as cold sandwiches, chips, and soft drinks or as elaborate as prepared salads and sparkling juice in plastic wine glasses. Then break out the stunt kite and fly all afternoon. Stunt kite prices start around $10 and go up from there, so it’s easy to find one in almost every price range, or even buy one for each member of your family.

Stunt kites are great for almost everyone because they are sturdier and can withstand crashes better than regular kites. Families can have stunt kite competitions to see which kite can stay in the air the longest and who can do the best tricks like flips and dives. All you need for this fun family afternoon is a kite, good food, good company and a bit of wind.

Go on a family bike ride

Another great family activity is a bike ride. Grab your bikes and helmets and find a local bike trail. Many areas of the country have extensive bike paths, with smooth surfaces to ensure a safe ride. If you have young children who are too young to ride a bike, they can ride a big wheel, a trike, or even sit in a bike trailer attached to an adult’s bike. Make sure everyone has enough water and double check to see how long the trail is before starting the day. You’ll definitely want to make sure young children can complete the trail.

Hiking a local trail in a state or national park

Many state and national parks are dotted with hiking trails and park admission is often minimal, making a family hike a great low-cost outdoor activity. You don’t really need hiking boots, just grab some comfy tennis shoes and hit the ground running! Be sure to stay on the trail, but it’s a good idea to have a cell phone or GPS unit with you in case you accidentally get lost.

These are just a few of the many outdoor activities that families can take advantage of when the weather is nice. No matter what you decide to do, the important thing is that you reconnect as a family and enjoy each other’s company.

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