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Money is not the main asset in life, time is

‘Greed is Good’ – Gordon Gekko, ‘Wall Street 2- Money Never Sleeps…’ Talk

I recently watched this Wall Street sequel and it reminded me once again that wealth is a state of mind. There will always be money coming in, money going out, and money MULTIPLYING, whether we are part of it or not. There are people who know how to do the latter and there are people who don’t. It has been my mission to make people realize that there are many ways to add value and make money and

DO NOT trust your pension, the government, or anyone else to secure your future.

Taking notes from the original Wall Street movie with Charlie Sheen as the hero, he is led to believe that making a lot of money, being rich, was bad or ruthless. In Wall Street 2 there is apparently a different message; that family and love are just products you can’t buy, no matter what happens in the money markets, the economy… your career not so secure anymore.

Despite the doom and gloom that is portrayed in the media (apart from 3rdi of course… we like to challenge the norm) and a big part of this movie; think how many millionaires and billionaires have been made in this so-called ‘recession’.

Take a look at one of the social media gurus of the 2000s brand zuckerburg the founder of (well, one of) Facebook who rose to fame and fortune in one of the supposedly worst economic periods since the great depression.

Returning to tough businessman, Gordon Gekko in the sequel, Wall Street Two. he mentions, “Somebody reminded me I once said ‘Greed is good.’ Now it seems like it’s legal. Because everyone drinks the same Kool Aid.”

The point I’d like to make here is that it’s okay to make money, it’s okay to be rich, it’s okay to add as much value to as many people as you can with integrity…in the shortest amount of time. time possible! For example, I’ve been using Facebook a lot more for business over the past few months and now I’m starting to see some big gains. There are MILLIONS of people who join Facebook regularly and whether you are for it or against it, it is a phenomenon that as yet continues to grow rapidly and India and China are still not fully connected!

My wish for you is that you read these articles every month and be inspired to take control of your finances and your life and make it what you absolutely DESERVE and not what you are settling for. That you are using some of these tips and exploring them for yourself. Just by thinking about it and writing goals or notes. Have you already noticed any memorable changes?

I will shamelessly use another quote from the original Wall Street, one of the key characters Bud Fox says “There is no nobleness in poverty”. I have to agree in the broadest sense (obviously there are always exceptions to the rule: Gandhi, Mother Teresa…) that for the average person, it is better to have a comfortable and abundant lifestyle rather than one full of deficiencies. deprivation and jealousy. I am living in a part of the world where there are total extremes of a utter lack of means and those with billionaire status and large, secure estates. You CAN make a difference and you have a choice.

We are almost at the end of ANOTHER year… we are galloping through another decade of our lives and I really want you to make the necessary changes to feel comfortable acquiring more wealth. As I mentioned in the last article, to move forward you have to enter the awkward zone… it will be worth it!

So, your actions for this month, if you choose to accept it, are:

  • Go back through last year’s articles and revise any areas you need
  • Your personal wealth sheet?
  • Calculate your liabilities and your assets?
  • Did you apply the Cappuccino Factor?
  • What were the biggest challenges you faced in creating a new money mindset?

These are just a few questions to get you thinking and acting over the next four weeks. Next month we will review 2010 in more detail and commit to some action!

I leave you with my favorite quote from Mr. Gekko from Wall Street 2:Money never sleeps;

“Payback. Except I’m not in that business anymore, because the only thing I learned in prison is that money is not the main asset in life. Time is…”

For your health, wealth and success


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