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My advice: satisfy yourself

Do what satisfies you in this life with its limited time, and I mean that advice, even if immortality is real for you, because the next moment is never promised except through life-giving productive actions. With that said, I start this article. Without productive life-giving actions, life and existence are truly moot and meaningless without redemption. Furthermore, satisfaction is not gluttony or over-saturation, it is being genuinely content with what you do at every moment of life and existence.

When I think about contentment, it’s not eating too much or being too rich for my own good, not at all. It’s doing what makes me feel genuinely content within reality. In fact, genuine fantasy and the double meaning of life is “satisfy gluttony”, those two words do not go together in any way and the other side of that coin is “self-denial”, in fact, torturing yourself is not success of any kind, it is not “show what you can take” . , is a form of madness that is unproductive.

One of my dad Joseph Clayton, Jr.’s fatal flaws in this life was practicing “satisfying gluttony” with food, it killed him at age fifty-two. Sure, it’s one thing to enjoy food, but satisfying gluttony with unreasonably “laid back” emotions is another thing entirely and worse than anything you can do. Sure, in many ways my dad was a good and virtuous man, but that fatal flaw for anyone can profoundly “derail” everything. So, that fatal flaw taught me that in all areas of life you or anyone should practice the virtue of “rational contentment”, some call it “do it until you’re genuinely satisfied”, and many call it “restraint”. I call it what works for me. After all, any kind of active self-denial is torture in the truest sense of the word torture, as well as its opposite, though your emotions can be tricked into thinking it’s great self-indulgence. After all, that last sentence is the “secret sauce” and the secret reality behind all drug addiction, really. After the first “big high”, what is all the drug addicts trying to get back on anyway? They’re trying to capture that great state of escape and ecstasy that got them addicted in the first place, and all they can do is practice pathetic self-indulgence by trying to get that over and over again. That is what is happening with the drug addict. So I’d like to say this here: self-satisfaction is satisfying yourself, not a destructive addiction or self-indulgence. I’d like to mention that difference right here, near the end of this article.

Do what satisfies you in this life with its limited time, and I mean that advice, even if immortality is real for you, because the next moment is never promised except through life-giving productive actions. Nothing else can take the place of life-giving productive action, and satisfaction only comes through what you can genuinely and productively do for yourself in a beneficial way. That may sound selfish and gross to some, but it’s honest and true.

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