Health Fitness

Natural treatment of dyspareunia through homeopathy

The natural treatment of dyspareunia is best approached with homeopathy. Homeopathy works by treating the whole, not just the parts.

Dyspareunia, or painful sexual intercourse, can appear at any time, at any age, in both men and women. It is not just limited to a painful experience. It can also be an aversion to privacy. The whole act is unattractive, unwelcome.

It is only when you understand homeopathic medicines that you can begin to see the reasons why.

Homeopathy works by matching your unique and personal symptoms to those of the medicine. The closer the match is, the better the result will be. This means that you need to be able to make an honest assessment of yourself and your symptoms. Or have a professional homeopath do it for you.

The homeopathic medicine Sepia is one of the most common hormonal medicines. It is not so much that you are hormonal, but that this is your weak link. Basically your immune system is very low and is expressed through your hormones.

Boost your immunity and the symptoms will go away. There are many ways to achieve this: a good diet, yoga, meditation, Chinese medicine, relaxation, exercise especially in nature and many others. Homeopathy can do this very quickly, perhaps faster than in any other way.

The cuttlefish appears at all hormonal moments: puberty, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. There are problems right now, headaches, emotional tension, pain, infections, and irritability. Sepia also suffers after miscarriage or spontaneous abortion.

Emotionally, cuttlefish are easily overloaded. The demands of the family become an undue burden, leaving children and partners with the brunt of the anger. Obviously, this does not lead to an intimate and loving relationship.

Sepia is all about stasis. This is the lack of dynamism or the lack of dynamic energy that all living organisms need to thrive. The tissues become lax, the muscles are lax, the hormones do not work properly, there is mental sluggishness and dullness, indifference and irritability.

In these circumstances, who has the energy to function, let alone the extra needed for healthy activities in the bedroom? The natural treatment of dyspareunia must consider the causes, the reasons behind the problem.

Cuttlefish tend to be cold, which is not surprising as they lack the vitality to maintain a healthy body temperature. The worst time is in the afternoon. And they have a great craving for both sweet and sour things. Although quick exercise is invigorating, Cuttlefish need a big boost to get started.

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