
Pack To Move With These 5 Simple Tips

DIY tips for busy professionals facing a move. Are you facing a move in the near future or do you know someone who is? Moving can be exciting but also overwhelming, so we’ve put together these packing tips to make the process easier for you. For more help, contact us to help you pack, organize your move, or unpack and organize your new home. We are here to make it easy for you.

  1. Location of boxes. If your moving company doesn’t provide the boxes or if you’re doing a local move, you have a couple of options for getting supplies. Many moving companies offer used boxes at a reduced price or for free. Also, grocery stores and liquor stores give away free boxes. Grocery stores usually unpack supplies in the morning, so get there early before they’ve already recycled them.
  2. The order matters. You don’t want to start the packing process with your kitchen or you won’t be able to eat or serve meals for a week or more. Start with storage areas and closets that are not used as often. If you don’t anticipate a seamless transition from one home to the next, or if space to store packed boxes is at a premium, consider renting a PODS storage unit to hold boxes while you pack them. The order also matters within each box. Heavier items (such as books) should be packed in small boxes or only in the bottom of larger boxes or they will become too heavy to lift. Lighter, more delicate items should be placed near the top of boxes or in larger boxes.
  3. Tricks of the trade. Dishes should be packed on their sides, not flat. Placing a foam board between each one and then wrapping a package in paper gives good protection. Use Glad Press & Seal to keep items on divided trays (think silverware drawer). Items stored in furniture drawers can stay put. To prevent drawers from opening, wrap your furniture in stretch wrap. Hanging clothes can be left on hangers. Use a garbage bag and poke a hole in the bottom with your fingers. Place a group of hangers (10-15) across the set to create a makeshift garment bag out of the trash bag. Place a second bag at the bottom of the garment and pull up. The two bags can be sealed with packing tape to protect your clothes. Hanging laundry bundles stack nicely in the back seat of a car or on top of boxes in the truck.
  4. Labeling is important. Whether you label the boxes with the room they are meant to go to, the room they came from, or the contents of the box, the key is to stay consistent. If the movers will be bringing the boxes, they will look for a deed that tells them which room your box will go to. Signs on the dormitory doors will help you know where to take the boxes. Labeling things like curtain rods, hooks and nails for hanging things, ropes and wires will also be a lifesaver on the other end. If the wires on your electronics scare you, take a picture of how they’re all connected before you unhook and pack them up. It is also advisable to back up your computer before taking it offline. It may take a while before it reconnects to your backup drive.
  5. Pack for your trip. If you are moving to the other side of the country, you will need to pack for the days of travel to your destination. I recommend packing for more days than expected, just in case. Moving trucks are notorious for being late, and sometimes boxes aren’t unpacked right away. You’ll also want to put together an emergency kit to keep with you in the car. Vital records, bills to pay, mover information, and to-do lists can all be stored here. Lastly, pack an essentials box with the items you’ll need right away when you move in (toilet paper, paper plates, silverware, coffee, etc.).

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