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Real estate agents can learn a lot from President-elect Barack Obama

For all of you Realtors, Real Estate Agents, and indeed all Sellers, please learn from Barack Obama, President Elect.

I have followed the primaries and the presidential campaign very closely, not because of the issues or for any political reason, no, just because of the person of Barack Obama. I don’t care if you’re a Democrat or Republican, if you work in any job that involves sales, just keep reading. To survive in today’s marketplace, you must be better, more creative, and more aggressive than your competition. That is the simple truth. In Real Estate we divide our time into 2 large segments. Buyers, Sellers and Advertising, Marketing. Ok, now you’re shaking your head, asking what the hell is this woman talking about? What is the connection between a real estate agent and Barack Obama? She didn’t have to deal with any of this. YES, she had to. Our real estate buyers and sellers were your voters and this campaign is our real estate marketing and advertising. With that said, let’s take a closer look at what he did during his campaign and how can we learn from him? First, he proved that you don’t have to be in business for 30 years to be successful, no, if you do it right, a relatively new vendor can succeed in today’s market. (Warning: I’m not saying it’s easy) Second, it showed that even if you’re in business for 30 years, it means nothing if you don’t keep up with the changes and constantly get more and new education and adopt new ideas. technologies. Third, hope and a positive attitude work much better than a negative attitude and fear.

So the lesson learned is: no more excuses just because you don’t have a mile-long contact list of former clients. If you don’t keep up with the changing times and changes in the way business is done today, you will lose in the end, no matter what. People have enough problems, they want to hear positive news, they don’t need more problems, they need solutions. If you stop reading here, you have already learned a lot and if you apply it to your business, you will get ahead. As I always say, “in real estate, if you’re not moving forward, you’re really going backwards because a lot of other people will just catch up with you.” There are many more things I could say about the salesman Barack Obama, but he has time. Let me mention a few more things that completely blew me away. His body language, for example. As a real estate agent/seller, you should know how important this is. Many researchers claim that nonverbal communication (body language, tone, voice, posture, gesture, eye contact, style of dress, etc.) accounts for 60% to 80%, which means that our words are only 20% or 40% of communication. (Okay, Google it if you don’t believe me) I can’t recall seeing anyone use non-verbal communication better than Barack Obama and that, to me, is another big part of why I call him an amazing salesman.

Just to give you some examples. Have you ever seen him go down the stairs of an airplane? Don’t walk down, run down these stairs. This symbolizes a lot of energy and aggressiveness and quick action. He never looks down the stairs or holds on to the railing (can you imagine he would fall with everyone watching?) which represents extreme confidence. If you still think I’m crazy, just go ahead and give it a try. You don’t have to wait for a plane, take the next flight of stairs, walk tall and straight, don’t look down or hold on to the railing, smile and make a phone call while doing this. . . . . . .(don’t break your neck) Leadership that was a big word in this election. How do you demonstrate leadership in a non-verbal conversation? Again, learn from Barack Obama. The “slap on the shoulder,” the shaking hands with both hands, the straight walk, the eye contact, the tone of his voice, no nervous play with his hands. I could go on and on and on. The best sales training I’ve ever received while watching television was from Barack Obama. He is a fantastic salesman, we can all learn a lot from him. This guy is focused and determined and won’t take no for an answer or give up. He had a plan and he followed it. He was extremely disciplined and did not get distracted. He surrounded himself with positive and focused people. The message was Yes, we can. That is the attitude that every seller should have and never question.

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