Arts Entertainments

Real men wear Speedos

Yes, I did. One of my favorite memories from my teens was the day my mom chose a spot on the beach for us. This was when my parents used to rent a beach house in Newport Beach, CA for a week. I must have been about 17 years old. My mom had come down earlier and marked a spot. I arrived a little later. In front of our space, there were 2 very hot guys at Speedos. One had dark hair and the other blonde. They were very well built, they were probably fitness models. They both had Speedos and were working on their tans (these were the days before tanning salons). I saw them reading Playboy and flirting with one of the local girls. The local boys made fun of them, that they were gay. But of all the signs, they were straight. What was the problem here?

These guys were confident and comfortable with what they were wearing. So what if the rest of the guys feel the urge to wear long baggy shorts? The guys at Speedo had the balls to be themselves and not try to conform to what a typical straight man would wear.

America has always been afraid of displays of male sexuality. I have heard from friends who have been to Europe, South America, Australia that Speedos are not a big deal there, it is more often the norm than not. Professional swimmers used to wear the racing suits exclusively when swimming competitively. Now they often wear the full racing suits and not the typical bikini. Women’s suits have gotten smaller and smaller. A friend had just returned from Las Vegas and told me how popular thong bikinis were for women. It’s about time the boys showed their stuff too.

I always liked the men in Speedos. The swim team athletes, the gays on the beach with nice bumps … I just leaned closer to them (the Speedos, that is). Wearing them feels more like ME … they make me feel good, they make me feel sexy, and they allow me to express my individuality. I never felt like I had to settle for what society told me to wear, I’ll go to a water park, public pool, gym, pool party and wear my Speedos. Sure I have some looks … but so what. Does any stranger have a problem with me being myself? Get a life!

A real man trusts his own skin. You don’t follow trends and treat your partners with respect. You are comfortable with your sexuality and you are not afraid to appear sexy. And you definitely couldn’t care less what people think about what you wear.

So lather up your sunscreen, put on your Speedo, and be proud to be a real man. I’ll see you on the beach!

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