Lifestyle Fashion

side effects of quitting smoking

Anyone thinking about smoking shouldn’t think twice. There will be side effects, which differ in intensity, depending on how deeply addicted a particular smoker is, the physical condition of the smoker, and hereditary predispositions.

The Cons: Difficult Side Effects of Quitting

Irritability: Many smokers took up the habit to combat stress and found a form of comfort in smoking. This mental addiction can be just as powerful as the physical one, or even more powerful. Quitting smoking will abruptly remove this sense of false comfort, which usually leads to irritability. A positive mindset is very powerful in overcoming the habit. The false feeling of euphoria that smoking gives will bring a feeling of lethargy after a while without smoking. It’s times like these when you need the support of friends and family the most.

Weight gain: Nicotine raises sugar levels in the body, which in turn suppresses appetite, so smokers tend to eat less. Without nicotine, after you quit smoking, the body is not used to releasing glucose into the blood on its own. Those who try to quit often feel hungrier and eat more as a result, leading to overeating and weight gain.

The pros: beneficial side effects of quitting smoking

Improved Health – Even a few hours after quitting, your body will already be on its way to repairing itself. The respiratory and circulatory systems will begin to repair themselves, making breathing easier. This effect will be noticeable relatively quickly, most likely within a matter of days.

Enhanced Senses: Tastes and smells will become more intense and it will no longer be necessary to eat stronger foods. Natural foods will simply taste better.

Improved Bank Account: Smoking is an expensive habit and quitting will save an ex-smoker a lot of money. Anyway, there are much better things to spend the money on.

Improved Relationships: Those who don’t smoke don’t find the smell of cigarette smoke terribly appealing. Most will walk away from it, in fact. Once the smell of smoke is no longer present on the skin and clothing, relationships will surely improve, not only with friends and family, but also with romantic relationships.

Those who are afraid to quit smoking because of the negative side effects should take a hard look at the positive effects. Build a good support network of friends and keep yourself very busy during those critical first few days, and the chances of quitting definitely become very high. The hardest part doesn’t last long.

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