
The Backhoe: The Most Versatile Machine on the Construction Site

Backhoes are used in many functions, not only in construction, but also anywhere digging is required. The flexibility of backhoe loaders is amazing, with hundreds of different types of attachments. The smaller backhoes are relatively inexpensive and offer a great way for enterprising heavy equipment operators to get started on their own. They are mobile, fast, can dig fairly hard ground, and are inexpensive compared to manual digging. While they are made primarily by American companies, some British and Japanese companies also produce them. All backhoe loaders on the market today come with stabilizer legs and are generally used in conjunction with loaders and excavators.

While the excavator bucket and loader bucket are by far the most popular tools used on backhoe loaders, there has been a trend in recent years towards the use of additional attachments to increase the flexibility of the machines. Backhoes can also be equipped with rakes, pallet forks, augers and bits, angle brushes, snow plows, landscaping rakes, buckets, hydraulic breakers and even more attachments to meet specific needs. It is not necessary to buy all the accessories the same day that the backhoes are purchased. Therefore, as a business makes more money, it can add to the functionality of its existing equipment. A quick hitch of the loader would be important if the change of attachments occurs regularly (bucket, pallet forks or auger). The fact that attachments can be purchased separately as needed allows a company to purchase the backhoe and upgrade it as their profits grow. Many backhoe loaders feature quick-connect mounting systems to simplify attachment mounting, dramatically increasing their utilization on the jobsite. Plus, specialized hydraulic attachments make them great tools for demolishing old buildings, drilling through rock and concrete, lifting and moving heavy objects, and much more than just digging ditches. Although undeniably useful, backhoe attachments can be quite expensive.

For years, the tractor-mounted backhoe loader has been considered by many to be the most versatile construction machine ever developed, and backhoes are found on more types of construction sites than any other machine. Today’s backhoe loaders are well-built machines, designed with the user in mind. Since they can be very expensive, some buyers opt for used backhoe loaders. Therefore, it is a good idea to compare the act of buying a new backhoe to buying a used one: the buyer should sit down and compare the pros and cons of each.

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