
The difference between needs, wants and will

Desire, desire and will

Lately I have realized that there are three compulsions that direct our lives: will, need and desire. At first glance, they may seem the same, but in reality they are not. Since everyone is preoccupied with the art of manifesting these days (and no doubt many are frustrated with the current global financial crisis), I think it’s important to understand these three forces when it comes to attracting to us what we want to attract. Not only that, but if you’re on this site, you probably have at least a little interest in holistic wellness, and all of us, at one time or another, have come face to face with something we wanted to change, like letting breaking out of old habits, establishing new ones, and generally moving on and living our lives to the fullest. I ask that you bear with me on this particular subject because it will probably seem disjointed at first. In the end, you will see that everything is tied together and hopefully you will understand more fully the forces of Will, Desire, and Desire and how they can help you shed some light on fulfilling your true purpose in life.


“Wants” to scream louder. They are definitely attached to the ego-self. It seems like every morning we wake up with a new list of demands on our foreheads (as Wayne Dyer likes to say). And even if we are practicing positive prayer, autosuggestion and affirmations, the “wants” come from a different part of our psyche, the part that always perceives LACK. And so, despite what we “want, want, want,” we never get around to it, because despite our best efforts, we are actually constantly affirming the lack in our lives.

Desires are seated in the three lower chakras; those related to survival, sensual needs (not only sex, but anything that is perceived with the 5 senses) and the affirmation of a separate self. (Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras, respectively). These chakras also correspond to the functional systems of the body in the areas from the stomach to the colon, which symbolize the principles “acquire, assimilate and excrete”. As in hunger, “wants” are a perpetual loud cry of satisfaction, and since there is no lasting satisfaction from them, there is always a need for more, more, more. I’m sure you can recognize some desires in your life, but let’s move on to the next force of Desire…


Desire is born from a different seed. It comes from the Spirit of him, which is seated in the heart chakra. The word desire actually comes from “of the Sire” or “of the Father,” meaning that this deep, core desire has actually been planted in your spirit by God. These desires are softer in their urgency, and more often than not they appear in our lives as that still small voice within. When they are dissatisfied, they lead to that nagging inner feeling that we are not living the fullness of who we really are.

On an energetic level, specifically in terms of chakras, this is where our heart chakra propels us into further development of the higher chakras, or we bounce back down to the lower three we mentioned earlier. The upper chakras are more outward-oriented and unity-oriented (focused on communication, inspiration, and connection). If we move towards desires instead of “desires”, we can travel upwards to Chakras 5, 6 and 7 more effectively, activating the outward-facing attitude of “I have come to serve” towards humanity. In other words, either we continue to grow or we get closer. And in the fulfillment of desires, you experience satisfaction.

There comes a time in life when one can feel a war between “wishes” and “wishes”. They are not necessarily opposite of each other: it is in the motivation behind them that one can assess which category they fall into. It is the war of the Urgent vs. Important. For example: a want would be an urgent cry to “run errands right now because this is my only free time.” Its counterpart, the “important” would be the desire to spend this free time with your children who have been needing downtime with you. It is you who decides which voice to satisfy. Urgent errands will always be there (like hunger). But the important moment with your child can slip away until you don’t care anymore.

On a physical level, when you have silenced the still, small voice of “desire” within so many times that you can no longer hear it, you may manifest a mid-life crisis. The word “crisis” in the Chinese language is made up of two characters: one means Danger and the other means Opportunity. And that is exactly what is happening. The heart chakra is the fulcrum of the balance of the chain of the main energy centers (the other chakras). If you don’t start hearing the voice of your spirit again, you bounce back to the lower three survival chakras and start to feel a decline. It doesn’t necessarily have to happen at a certain age, it’s a state of mind. Either you move UP to express your Divine Purpose in life, or you move back DOWN and continue to be self-centered, eventually beginning to implode and disintegrate, because biologically speaking, your time here on earth has reached an all time high. And now it’s your time to retire.


This begs the question, so how can I change? How can I move up to express my heart’s desires? How can I separate the urgent from the important so that everyone finds their own priority? And that brings us to WILL.

I think true willpower has been misunderstood in our western mindset. It is a handicap of our English language, or maybe we are generally ignorant of the meaning of the words that come out of our mouth. But the will is the most powerful thing you have. Many 12-step practitioners often claim that their “willpower” didn’t help them in trying to fight their addictions. Many people trying to lose weight or exercise or make other lifestyle changes also found that they lacked willpower. But any LACK is always the identifying cofactor of a WANT, not a desire. True willpower is best expressed in the will.


The will is often perceived as a weakened position. It implies openness, surrender… all the things that we seem to be giving up on. As the Bible says, “His power is made perfect in our weakness”…and whether the Bible is an authoritative text for you or not, one cannot deny the fact that the WILL is the perfect example of unsurpassed power. expressed in maximum weakness.

Think about it. If you really had the spirit of will, through and through, you would have achieved that weight loss, or that exercise routine, or that lifestyle change. Or if your vision board has been obsessed with making big bucks, it would probably attract you more easily if you were attached to a burning desire to be of service to humanity in some way with it (by being a channel, not just a repository) . ). Will would have surrendered to the flow and process of life, while desire would be the guiding factor where that flow would lead.

I always tell people to get rid of your American perceptions of willpower and just give in to will. That is where the real change lies, and that is where desires, not desires, finally begin to manifest. I am now trying to grow in my understanding of how to cultivate will as it seems to be an important key. Can’t say I control it at all…

From the past miracles in my life, I can see that many times, you are completely surprised. I know you can pray for it, and you can do affirmations and EFT tapping for it. You can even pray for the “willingness to be willing.” But, above all, you can’t force it, you have to cajole. Forcing is in the energy of lack and struggle… you can bring about short-term change, but you’ll be back to your old ways in no time.

Take the softer path and make changes that come from “the fringes” and therefore aren’t as scary to the subconscious (which loves to hold on to old patterns outside of survival programming). What I mean by “the periphery” is making changes that don’t seem to change at all. Changes that sneak in through the side door and don’t attack you head-on: meditation, prayer, affirmations, gratitude—those activities are less threatening and serve to cultivate the inner environment necessary for the will to grow. I guarantee you that one of these days, that will – the “true willpower” – will join the desires of your heart, and they will be fulfilled.

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