
The history and purpose of toys

Since the beginning of time, mothers have been trying to find ways to occupy their children. So it’s no wonder that toys have been around since the beginning of time. Children’s natural joy and curiosity make toys a natural progression. For example, a child’s imagination can figure out how to make a game and play with anything.

A child can be busy making paths in the dirt, making sand castles or simply digging a small hole, which can create tunnels and other mysterious places. Seashells, rocks, pine cones, or whatever else is available can become a useful toy. Despite a child’s unique creativity, parents over time have tried to reward and entertain their children with toys.

The ancient Egyptians created leather balls and dried papyrus reeds. They also created marbles with black and white stones. There were also many Egyptian dolls. Some were made of leather and papyrus; many were carved from wood, bone, or ivory. Some even had jointed limbs and movable jaws. The less well off would make dolls and figurines out of clay.

They even created spinning tops and had many different physical games, with balls, sticks, and wrestling. They also enjoyed board games like Mehen and Senet. Ancient Roman toys were similar. They had balls and games with hoops and clubs. Wooden swords and shields were also popular for simulated battle games.

Like the Egyptians, the Romans enjoyed board games and marbles. They also created dolls and figurines out of wood, wax, and terracotta. Similarly, the inhabitants of ancient Greece enjoyed wooden horses on rope-drawn wheels, terracotta dolls, clay animals, baby rattles, and primitive yo-yos.

I found a 1902 New York Times article about the great Christmas toys of that year. They were new car toys, some were metal wind-up editions, and some were more elaborate and expensive toy cars that adults were buying. The other big toy hits of that year were toy submarine ships and flying machines.

Baby dolls have been popular throughout the centuries. But in 1960 the first fashionable Barbie doll was introduced. Other great toys of the 1960s were slinkies, color shapes, view master, etch-a-sketch, lite brite, spirograph, the Fort Apache playset, Marvel the Mustang, and many more to mention.

Many of these toys are still popular today. Also, we have some new toys. In addition to the great strides made in electronics and video games, we have Bakugan Battle Brawlers. Barbie is still around, but is joined by Bratz, Moxie Girlz, and Liv Dolls. There are tons of new board games and action figures. Also, the classic games and toys of the past still exist and are being improved.

Despite changes in time and technology, the basic premise of the game has not changed. Toys have always been used to stimulate the imagination and keep children busy and entertained. No matter how much time passes, parents will never tire of seeing a child’s face light up when a new toy is presented.

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