
Top 10 Water Spring Facts You Need To Know

Primrose water biologically named Ludwigia spp. It is a herbaceous plant, native to Central and South America. It can be found mainly in wet, boggy ditches that get a lot of sun. It can be detected in shallow lakes, the surface of ponds, and slow-flowing streams. The plant consists of round, elliptical or egg-shaped leaves with margins. The leaves are a bright vibrant green on the upper surface, while they are slightly hairy on the underside. They are arranged alternately throughout the stem.

In North America, it has been classified as invasive because it occupies wetlands and inhibits the growth of native species. Ever wonder how it got its name? The flowers of this evening primrose resemble the flowers of the evening primrose and thus received its name. Illuminating! It is not like this? Take a look at some other interesting water evening primrose facts below.

1. The water spring typically blooms between June and October. Since it is a perennial plant, its lifespan is more than two years. During this time, they act as a rich source of nectar and pollen. As a consequence, flies and bees are attracted to this plant, resulting in increased pollination.

2. The plant naturally produces yellow flowers (like those of the common evening primrose) that grow from the axils of the leaves. This flower contains both reproductive organs.

3. The erect red-green stem of the water evening primrose can reach up to 10 feet in height. About 33% of the stem floats on the surface of the water and covers a large area with dense floating mats. They can cover such dense areas because they spread through broken fragments, rhizomes, seeds, and corridors.

4. The fruit of this aquatic plant consists of a cylindrical capsule filled with many seeds. Waterfowl and ducks love to chew on this seed.

5. This ‘invasive’ plant species serves as a refuge for frogs and aquatic insects.

6. The main benefit of water evening primrose is that it has the power to remove excess ammonia and nitrate present in the soil or water.

7. This plant is capable of eliminating its competitors for its power to prevent the growth of bacteria, algae and plants. Thus, the newly occupied area remains almost clear and only one plant can be seen in the region, that is, the water primrose.

8. Due to its dense presence, the plant is capable of changing the quality of the water. It has the potential to alter the natural ecosystem and reduce oxygen levels.

9. The unwanted invasive species is also responsible for causing a change in the amount of sulfates, nitrates and phosphates present in the water.

10. When you see a colony of water primrose, you must also have experienced a disturbance in the normal movement of the fish and a changed nesting pattern of the birds.

Bonus fact: Due to the dense formation of mats, they clog waterways and can also lead to flooding. Consequently, it breeds mosquitoes that cause the spread of diseases.

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