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Weaving mind and body through health psychology

Man is generally governed by his mind and heart. Depending on which one has greater dominance, one’s physical state is thus personified. Not surprisingly, the matter of mind over matter rings true in the character and well-being of most people. A healthy mind generally produces a healthy body. A person who stinks with unhealthy deliberations tends to harbor bad intentions in himself and possibly anyone within sight, hearing, and speaking distance.

In the area of ​​health psychology, the study generally focuses on the relationship between the mind and the body. Overwhelming circumstances can influence the other and cause effects of varying intensity. A common phenomenon is the issue of stress whereby someone who is constantly engulfed in this unhealthy cloud can exhibit a variety of ailments to astonish most healthcare professionals. Due to the demands of school, work and family, people who cannot handle or expel this unhealthy bombardment are at their mercy.

Professionals are trained to put on their thinking hats and detect the undetectable. Many of the psychosomatic symptoms often manifest due to underlying reasons of which the patient himself is not aware. By complementing the treatment of the physical with the psychic, it is hopeful to establish a zero point for a patient’s condition.

Health psychology also addresses elements in the opposite direction about how the body affects the mind. A change in the physical state of a person can induce a decrease in mental capacity. Failure to collect the first can lead to inappropriate treatment. Unknowingly, this can aggravate the situation and lead to other ailments that would have been unnecessary if the right steps had been taken in the first place.

As such, having happy thoughts may not be as naive as one thinks they are. Although the human brain occupies a fairly small percentage of space in the body, any misfire of this organ can drive a wedge in the relationship between mind and body.

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