
What do cleaning services do?

It doesn’t make sense for most businesses to hire full-time employees to manage office cleaning and janitorial services. Facility managers often hire local cleaning companies to clean their offices after regular business hours. By hiring a cleaning company, the facility avoids the cost of employment taxes, training, time management, and other benefits.

Cleaning companies manage the cleaning process for commercial facilities, including private businesses and public buildings. General responsibilities for most janitorial services often include removing trash from waste receptacles, vacuuming carpets, sweeping floors, and cleaning bathrooms. Other services may include:

Stripping, waxing and maintenance of commercial floors

carpet cleaning

construction cleaning

General window cleaning

High rise window cleaning

emergency cleaning

One time cleaning.

These types of custodial services can be hired for office cleaning, commercial building cleaning, industrial cleaning, and medical offices; the list is endless.

If a company you’re considering says they provide exceptional customer service and the ability to make the entire office shine, then that cleaning service company should be able to provide you with several references. Talk to references, visit their buildings, and inspect the quality of custodial services. Ask yourself, would you like this company to clean your facility?

Choosing the right cleaning service for your facility can be a daunting undertaking. What can quickly narrow down your selection is when you find a cleaning service that can tailor a specific site plan aimed at meeting all of your cleaning needs.

The best escrow companies will be on top of everything. Ideally, your concierge service will alert management to any maintenance issues, such as hot water issues, leaky faucets or pipes, and sinks and toilets that need to be replaced or repaired. If you have combined your janitorial services with a commercial facility maintenance service provider, repairs can be completed in a timely manner and without hassle.

package services

The cost of building maintenance and cleaning services is a concern for all commercial building owners and managers. Ask your provider what other services their company offers and whether bundling can save your facility money. Business facilities can often reduce costs by up to ten percent by bundling other business services.

By providing a wide range of services, some facilities maintenance companies are able to combine their janitorial services with their services, such as facility maintenance or parking lot maintenance. This type of company can offer a host of other business services including asphalt paving, seal coating, bulk debris removal, porter services, asphalt repair, commercial painting, power washing, sweeping services, and more.

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