
Why should houses be priced right from the start?

An important consideration, in the marketing and sale of real estate, is that it must be PRICED, well, from the beginning! Given that, in the vast majority of cases, the best deals are made in the first few weeks after listing on the real estate market, doesn’t it make sense to create and use an asset professionally? – considered, competitive market analysis, or CMA, to make the best possible decisions, in that direction? While a few, unethical agents, might seek, for, buy a listingBy suggesting an unrealistically high listing price, ethical professionals will focus on the best interests (actual and/or potential) of their clients and price accordingly. After all, the listing price and the offers that might be acceptable to sell a home can be vastly different entities. In fact, in general, when you don’t take advantage of the early stages, attracting as many potential buyers as possible, the sale price you receive is often much lower than when you price correctly and more realistically. With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why this is such an essential component of the pricing policy and process.

1. priorities; planning; process: Clients and their chosen agents/representatives must seriously discuss and consider the real priorities of the owners! This requires responsible planning, combined with the use of a well-developed and considered process, to ensure the best possible results!

two. Realistic; reasoning; real estate: It is important to keep the approach to selling real estate as realistic as possible and to use the best possible reasoning to achieve the most desirable goals!

3. Imagination; innovative; ideas: Homeowners should require their agents to use relevant imagination and techniques, concepts, perspectives, etc. innovative, to introduce ideas that make a difference, for good!

Four. Competitive / competitive: Know the local competition and make decisions, based on a professionally created and designed Competitive Market Analysis, or CMA, to determine the realistic, relevant and current price range. This is the only quality way to proceed!

5. Empathy; to enrich; experienced; encouraging: This process must be based on effective listening and learning from each conversation and experience, in order to proceed with the highest degree of genuine empathy! Great agents seek to enrich their clients, using experienced knowledge and encouraging their clients to listen and become part of the necessary work team!

6. deepen; to find out; deliver: There is a need to delve into the possibilities and make the best possible decisions. When the homeowner and agent together agree to discover the best possible way forward, the ability to provide the best possible service gets better and better!

It makes sense to be sure, your home, is PRICED From the beginning! Since, for most people, the value of their home represents their greatest asset. Isn’t this the most logical and effective approach?

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