Law School Essay Exams: What to Memorize

Law students ask, “Isn’t law school more than just memorizing? The answer is clear: Absolutely! But should law students memorize? The answer is equally clear: Absolutely! Some professors mistakenly tell students that “law school is not about memorizing.” I say “wrongly” because law school IT IS about memorization … and much more. But for now, let’s focus on grades, and […]

Corporate Case Management Software – Ideal for Resolving Legal Matters

Are you looking for a single and secure window to comply with the legal operations of your company? Lex Mantra is a smart corporate legal solution uniquely designed to restructure a company’s legal workflow with a wide variety of reports easily. The case management software solution is ideal for facilitating management, employees and corporate advisors and helps to resolve the […]

Can I or can I send you an email?

There is a real difference between “Can I send you an email?” and “Can I email you?” And I’m not just talking about what question to ask your prospective subscriber. In case you’re wondering now that I’ve mentioned it, WordTask defines “may” as an expression of permission or possibility, while “may” expresses ability. In email marketing, the first question … […]

If you’re good at science and want good money, consider a degree in patent law

What is the Patent Law – Intellectual Property Law? There are four main types of intellectual property: patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. Tea patent The system exists in most industrialized countries and is designed to reward inventors and authors. Patents are granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), where patents are carefully scrutinized and protection is […]

Current Job Outlook for Personal Injury Lawyers

One of the most lucrative fields for attorneys is the work of a personal injury attorney. They take care of the physical and emotional factors when seeking compensation for injured victims. They are also known as trial attorneys and take on assignments when people who have suffered a vehicle collision, assault, work injury or medical error approach them for help. […]

Do corporations appearing in court in North Carolina need to appear through an attorney?

Operating a business as a corporation, including an LLC (limited liability corporation) or PLLC, or as a partnership, has many advantages in North Carolina, including limiting the liability of business owners. However, there are some downsides to operating a business as a corporation (as opposed to sole proprietorship). One of them is that in North Carolina a corporation cannot represent […]