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Fun Facts About Botanicals

Almost everyone has heard of botanicals these days, but what you associate with the word botanicals depends on how they are used in your life. The botanical dictionary definition is: “1: of or relating to plants, or botany; 2: derived from plants; 3: species (tulips).” Wikipedia defines a botanical as “a plant or part of a plant valued for its medicinal or therapeutic properties, flavor, and/or aroma.” So we already have four slightly different meanings of this word. A scientist would probably think of definition #1. Most likely, a doctor or health enthusiast will think of the Wikipedia definition. I myself think more of definition #3 because I really like gardening and plants.

Already in the year 60,000 a. C., man has been using plants for medicinal and health purposes. In the Middle Ages, most castles, abbeys and monasteries, and the homes of prominent citizens, had herb gardens and a “distilling room” where relaxing and healthy drinks were prepared. Botany (Botany) became more studied in the 16th and 17th centuries when universities in Europe began planting herb gardens so that plants could be examined while students took a formal botany course.

Today we find botanicals in many forms; tablets, liquids, fresh and dry products and tea bags. Ginger is found fresh (ginger root) and dried (tea bags). Parsley, rosemary, mint are also used in cooking… and the list goes on. Juniper berries are the main flavoring agent in gin, and many manufacturers add their own “secret” botanicals to give the product its distinctive flavor, such as cinnamon, coriander, angelica root, and orange peel. Medicinally we use Echinacea (echinacea), garlic, caraway, in a holistic approach to health; but with traditional medicine we process plants to obtain a whole series of prescription drugs such as aspirin, digitalis, quinine, morphine and codeine. Obviously there are too many of these to list them all.

When dried, the petals, leaves and berries or fruits of herbs and flowers give us the ingredients to make potpourri. They are decorative accessories for any decoration. Mix together a few different flower shapes and colors to create your own signature potpourri, or buy a mix. You can also scent your potpourri by adding a few drops of fragrance oil. If your mix contains some of the stronger-smelling botanicals, such as mint, sage, or thyme, you may not want to add any other scents. But whatever you choose, botanical potpourri is definitely a soft and beautiful way to decorate your home or office.

Another use of botanicals is not used as much today. In the language of flowers, each particular flower and its various colors have a specific meaning. Long before men understood the cyclical change of the seasons and its effect on plants, they realized that flora changed and began to assign meaning to different flowers and trees. This symbolism allowed man to express various feelings. Originating in the poetry of Persia, the “language of flowers” reached Europe in the early 18th century. But there is evidence to show that flowers were used as a secret code in art, architecture, and legends long before this time. The use of flowers to express feelings became fashionable during the Victorian era. Fresh flowers were used whenever possible; but if one could not obtain them, then herbal intention bottles or Blessing Bottles made of dried flower combinations were substituted. The Victorians had the art of communicating through flowers down to a science. Not only did each individual flower have its own meaning, but the combination of various flowers imparted special feelings and desires. And sometimes the meaning was not very nice!

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