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The ancient and Renaissance history of beds

The history of beds and bedding is as old as the evolution of man. Because since the human being has existed he has looked for a comfortable place to rest.

The ancient history of beds

The first beds of modern humans consisted of nothing more than piles of grass, leaves, or other natural materials. But it wasn’t until about 3200 B.C. C. and 2200 a. C. in parts of Europe the first “big step” in the evolution of modern beds took place with the introduction of the first raised beds. This helped keep out drafts, dirt, rodents, and insects, made the beds healthier to use, and helped prevent disease.

did you knowThe original raised beds were made of stone and covered with comfortable natural fibers such as leaves, straw, grass, fur, and wool. Examples of these types of beds are still preserved in Scotland.

The ancient Egyptians were well known for their large bed frames, which in most cases were climbed up steps and had a large number of pillows, curtains and drapes above and around them. The wealthiest Egyptians were even the first to introduce wooden beds, and the pharaohs and queens of Egypt often slept on large ornate wooden beds that were gilded with gold.

The medieval history of beds in Europe

During the first part of the Middle Ages, people placed carpets on the floor or in a slightly high bank and old mattresses made of fabric stuffed with wool or hair on top of them. This type of bed developed over time and in the 13th century it became a bed that began to resemble the modern beds we see today. These beds were usually made of wood and included decorations of carved, inlaid, and painted ornamentation. These beds were often covered by pillows that were used to raise a person’s body into a reclined position for sleeping. By the 14th century, the ornamentation of beds became such an integral part of bed design that they were often covered by tapestries of rich materials such as silk, velvet, and gold cloth. It was also during this time that the first feather mattresses were used on beds in Europe. From this time until the 17th century the beds increased in size and opulence.

The Renaissance history of beds in Europe

Beginning in the 17th century, the development of beds and bed styles evolved by leaps and bounds. In fact, the beginning of this period is often called the century of magnificent beds. It was during this time that beds became such a large and important part of European culture that portable beds were introduced. These were especially popular with the French aristocracy and the French king even used a portable bed when he visited parliament.

did you knowOne of the largest French beds ever built was kept in the Palace of Versailles and was covered in so much gold that its velvet cover could barely be seen.

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